Proprietary trading NON target school?


Junior member
Hello im 19 turning 20 in December im going a community college and am maintaining A's I plan on transferring to a non target top 50 school such as DePaul. i have a passion for trading and been learning about it for 6 years now. Recently i started talking to Mike Bellafiore and Ray over at SMB capital in NYC. Im not expecting anything but they gave me some good advice that i will follow. However, i feel second class because im not going to an ivy league institution. Does it really even matter? i plan on joining a trading club in school. I already have a personal account and reading trading blogs/books everyday the money in my trading account i saved up working at mcdonalds and GOD i hate this job LOL. When i transfer i will double major in finance/computer science at DePaul or finance/international business if i go to University Of Pittsburgh. i really do want to prop trade ive read a few books about it and it sounds awesome. Ofcourse, One Good Trade by Mike Bellafiore is my favorite and it even says being from Ivy League is not essential but then alot of things are said but who acutally gets the jobs ya know? please advice me.

thank you
A consistently successful P&L will be more attractive to prop firms than your educational background.
well i dont know about that i wish i could believe that. How can i get into prop trading? what majors should i do in college to BEST prepare myself for a career in trading? I want to eventually go to hedge funds in Russia. I want to go to a top 50 undergraduate business program then go to a top MSF program.
If your still not sure what major or even what course to take up yet.
You should first seek for yourself what interest you the most.
Since you like trading in should be more related in trading like many business courses.
Why don't you speak to a careers department somewhere instead of looking on the internet? It's not the internet that's gonna be giving you a job.