Start your own trading business ideas

I think I may have mentioned treasure hunting back in my misspent youth. One that appealed to me is the story of The Beale Codes. This treasure is located in America.
Thomas Jefferson Beale left 3 papers of numbers. One was deciphered using The Declaration od Independence but the exact location one hasn't been, as far as I am aware. Maybe a hoax or maybe Lafayette's treasure said to be worth 100s of millions in today's money.

Just google Beale Codes for the full details.
Yes well that idea bit the "dust ".
Pity but then trying is the thing !

Another idea is say you live in a town called X
Well, get anyone interested ( not the violent troublemaker sort ) and start a club called "Friends of X " or something along those lines. Then do things that attract welcome interest to that town. Have a town X ragtime band for instance. Anyone who can play an instrument, even dustbin lids can join. Then parade around the town on occasions "playing " music.
Pally up with local schools, cadets, council, etc. to do things of interest !!
Especially good for unemployed, pensioners etc. Meet lots of people you never knew existed etc.

I think I may have mentioned treasure hunting back in my misspent youth. One that appealed to me is the story of The Beale Codes. This treasure is located in America.
Thomas Jefferson Beale left 3 papers of numbers. One was deciphered using The Declaration od Independence but the exact location one hasn't been, as far as I am aware. Maybe a hoax or maybe Lafayette's treasure said to be worth 100s of millions in today's money.

Just google Beale Codes for the full details.

Isn't that the plot of a Nicholas Cage movie? 🙂

Treasure hunting reminded me that in my youth (not that I'm old!) I used to scuba-dive.
I have a shelf-full of Richard Larn books about shipwrecks around the British Isles.
Isn't that the plot of a Nicholas Cage movie? 🙂

Treasure hunting reminded me that in my youth (not that I'm old!) I used to scuba-dive.
I have a shelf-full of Richard Larn books about shipwrecks around the British Isles.

Could be. I haven't heard Of Cage tho
Now is the age of computers.

The Beale codes will I think be cracked fairly soon because Beale made the mistake of using some numbers more than once, so there is probably only 1 solution that would fit the 512 numbers. It only needs the software.
To help along anyone interested then I can be pretty sure to say the 1st chapters of books in the Bible are not the key. I've looked.

The numbers go, for the first letter of that word. The 71st word may start with a T


if they make no sense then try another document.
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My trading strategy is very simple. I always try to follow the market trend. I know trend is the best friend. I never open my trade against the market trend. Therefore, I am a successful Forex trader.
A website where people input their trades and gives you a bunch of feedback. Equity curves, drawdowns, PnL per day of the week, per stock, etc. The time of day you best perform, etc. And it's public for other people on the website to give comments on and share trade ideas.
Only 20% of start-up businesses survive more than 5 years.

I offer the antidote to crowd-funding - crowd-killing.

Entrepreneurs with no track record of success have their ideas killed immediately by a total vacuum of funding, saving themselves and their otherwise early investors from years of pointless effort and expenditure.

For this service of helping investors with spare cash to avoid major losses, I take a standard 3% of every $/£ not invested per year. A t the end of each year the investors look at their holdings depleted by JUST my 3% service fee rather than 100% of the amount the would have been faced with losing after year 5 when the start-up they funded ceased trading.

The 3% is tax deductable
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Only 20% of start-up businesses survive more than 5 years.

I offer the antidote to crowd-funding - crowd-killing.

Entrepreneurs with no track record of success have their ideas killed immediately by a total vacuum of funding, saving themselves and their otherwise early investors from years of pointless effort and expenditure.

For this service of helping investors with spare cash to avoid major losses, I take a standard 3% of every $/£ not invested per year. A t the end of each year the investors look at their holdings depleted by JUST my 3% service fee rather than 100% of the amount the would have been faced with losing after year 5 when the start-up they funded ceased trading.

The 3% is tax deductable

Nice 99% thinking. I take it you hate life. With that logic, we wouldn't have Apple, PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, or Alibaba. Get #REKT
A good one to start with next to no money for a couple with personality is a marriage counsellor / escort team for rich people. It would mainly consist of being a good listener cum gopher with common sense ideas.

For instance a well off couple need to spice up their lives. So they phone the team who meet them and arrange whatever fantasy they want within reason. Could be a night out at an expensive restaurant or theatre etc.

Would be interesting meeting people and helping solve their problems for them. Charge by the hour plus expenses. Make the clients know they have professional and confidential friends to help etc.

For instance someone might want their elderly parent plus luggage put on the right train at the right time etc.

There would be a small initial expenditure getting the details printed out and then distributed to houses in a rich area.
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Here is one idea. Any feedback will be appreciated.

I assume many folks here use limit orders to buy/trade securities. When I am submitting a limit order, I have to balance my desire to get a better price with the possibility that the price is too aggressive, and the order will not be executed.

Suppose I had a tool that for a given price and time of validity yields the probability that such order would be executed. Suppose you can see that buying 100 shares of XYZ at $74 has 20% chance, and at $74.6 it is 70% chance. Would such information be helpful?

So, I have a few questions for experienced traders and novices alike:
Would you use such a tool? How would you use it? Do you have any thoughts about how to incorporate it in your trading strategy?

Here is one idea. Any feedback will be appreciated.

I assume many folks here use limit orders to buy/trade securities. When I am submitting a limit order, I have to balance my desire to get a better price with the possibility that the price is too aggressive, and the order will not be executed.

Suppose I had a tool that for a given price and time of validity yields the probability that such order would be executed. Suppose you can see that buying 100 shares of XYZ at $74 has 20% chance, and at $74.6 it is 70% chance. Would such information be helpful?

So, I have a few questions for experienced traders and novices alike:
Would you use such a tool? How would you use it? Do you have any thoughts about how to incorporate it in your trading strategy?

I don't trade equities much but one would do a mental calculation along the lines you suggest but how you could quantify it mathematically I don't know. Is it possible to get it at all accurate ? If it can be done I would think it would be a useful tool.
I don't trade equities much but one would do a mental calculation along the lines you suggest but how you could quantify it mathematically I don't know. Is it possible to get it at all accurate ? If it can be done I would think it would be a useful tool.

>Is it possible to get it at all accurate ?

I believe so. (And I do have qualifications to do that.)

>If it can be done I would think it would be a useful tool.

Could you elaborate please?
Nice 99% thinking. I take it you hate life. With that logic, we wouldn't have Apple, PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, or Alibaba. Get #REKT
An there was me thinking the ones you mention were all conventionally funded rather than crowd sourced.
I used to do metal detecting for a hobby years ago and found lots of odds and ends. Nothing spectacular except a very rusty 1850s muff pistol for ladies.
However watching American diggers on TV reminded me how much of a thrill it is to find something. Ringy and KG are really a couple of characters. If they can find easily, interesting stuff in the New World think how much can be found in the Old World !

Find a buddy and get permission plus of course a detector and good hunting. A local camera team might try and sell a film of it to the TV companies too ?

Could have been you!

Don't give up... 👍