SPY Intraday data


I'm new to this forum but I would like to see if someone know where to get historical intraday data for the SPY ETF. Preferably tick data, but minute by minute would be useful too.

Any ideas?

I'm new to this forum but I would like to see if someone know where to get historical intraday data for the SPY ETF. Preferably tick data, but minute by minute would be useful too.

Any ideas?


No doubt like many others who come here claiming to be serious about trading and willing to risk $$$$$ of their hard earned money trying to get rich, you want FREE data! 😆

If not, try this site: HISTORICAL TICK DATA – Historical tick data for stocks, equities, futures, options, indexes and indicators!
Can you get snapshot data via Google or Yahoo? If so, it is only necessary to accumulate the data. Currently I'm doing this with the FTSE 100 stocks, and it takes about 2 minute sto get around them all, so it's 2 minute data. If you are watching fewer stocks, the latency is less. In what format do you require the data?
Thanks guys,
I don't requiere the data in any particular format. I guess sampling the data through finance.yahoo.com is a good idea. I just thought that there might be a database somewhere out there that makes it a bit easier.
VM just for fun I have got it working via yahoo into a database. Now how do I make money exactly?