Historical options intraday data



Please help with the following:

I am testing some trading ideas in options that require intraday
options data. But, there doesn't seem to be any vendor that supplies this data.
Anyoneknows of any souce for this data? I am initially looking at intraday options data for SPY, QQQQ and other ETFs


Trader B
Hi guys - I know I'm a bit late to the party, but recently built a system at optionengine.net which distributes free historical end of day stock option data. Currently only going back a few days, but it will grow in time. And, still, will remain free. Let me know what you think - would love feedback!
Hi guys - I know I'm a bit late to the party, but recently built a system at optionengine.net which distributes free historical end of day stock option data. Currently only going back a few days, but it will grow in time. And, still, will remain free. Let me know what you think - would love feedback!

I visited the optionengine site and I like 👍 the available files. It seems that including the closing price of the underlying equity is normal (and useful) for this kind of data file. Not sure why you do not. With so few sites available with such data, we beggars can't be choosers. I have not used the data yet, but I will and will have more to say after that. I tried emailing to the address at the site, but my email came back undeliverable???
Hi Jaybee - Sorry about the bounced email - I'm still working out a few bugs on the site (not a web developer by trade, so it's newish to me). I'm working on adding the closing price of the underlying equity, as well as a bunch of other indicators as well. Would love to hear your thoughts further - I'll PM you.
Hi Jaybee - Sorry about the bounced email - I'm still working out a few bugs on the site (not a web developer by trade, so it's newish to me). I'm working on adding the closing price of the underlying equity, as well as a bunch of other indicators as well. Would love to hear your thoughts further - I'll PM you.

Hiya Genedo...I was following your daily files until mid-June when the supply dried up. Have you stopped the program? 😢