A few points here potshot, and as you mention future spreads have changed their name now and are prospreads but the spread on ftse is more than you state due to the fact that each trade is obviously a round trip as get in and out, prospreads ex future spreads charge 0.25 to get in, 0.25 to get out and the market spread which is 0.5 therefore round trip of 1 pip and that I believe is after 200 trades, round trip of 1.5pips <200, I think but no absolute on this and cant be arsed looking it up. That being said I think they are the best platform around for the scalper or trader as very fast execution, no requotes, spreads good, DMA, and as all trades are laid on the market the company has no reason at all for manipulation or any tricks.
The platform is a bit tricky but easy when u get used to it, and the beauty being that you can have the quick trade ladder open on say 5 instruments, like ftse/dow/eurusd/gdpusd/wti and jump in at any moment, trailing stops, stops anywhere, can pull and place orders in split second timing so as mentioned ideal for the scalper.
By the way there is rarely anything in the world as free money, were you a successful trader with capital spreads and they are offering you money to come back to them? In reality a few hundred quid is bugger all to get on the right software and platform is it?
ps not affiliated with prospreads at all, but they are I believe the only company that offers DMA which is a pretty awesome tool for spread betting. and yes their platform is a bit tricky but so is trading and if u got the nonce for trading then you should have the nonce to learn the platform???