Paul, do u mind telling me why exactly this is?.......................i know there is alot of stocks on the weak list but my thinking was to only short list stocks that were overbought on their daily charts the night before, also by selecting two stocks in each sector this really narrows down my stock selection for the next far if im right does this not mean i couldn't just have all the short listed stocks charts and macci's on my screens?, cos then all i really need to watch would be the indu 1,5,10 min and their macci's then go to stock. Please clarify as i feel im really close to understanding strategy 3 now.
I don't think it would take too much of my time to go through the whole weak list at the end of each trading day, but im probably wrong
Jason, I think what Paul means is that if you want to monitor lots of stocks, then the best way is to use RS. The alternative of course is to have multiple stock chart windows on the screen or to have one or two windows and cycle through multiple stocks. I think you will find that this could get quite laborious!