Spreadbetting Marketing Material

  • Thread starter Thread starter aussietrader
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Evening All, (at least it is here - just finished watching The Bill!)

I am trying to obtain copies of advertisements, direct mail pieces, brochures, flyers, emails etc of trading courses/workshops/products that you may have received.

In particular, I am interested in the stanzione stuff relating to his spreadbetting but happy to receive any similar marketing material.

An obscure request but be pleased to pay any postage/reasonable costs or you could email me any electronic info (or scanned) you have received.

An unusual request but will make you an offer you cannot refuse if you supply me with stuff that no-one else has!

AT(at) if you care to contact me.


Aussie T-

Uncle Vince does from time to time send me his wonderful brochures................. i ususally just bin it sdtraight away. But now that I know u want them, i will keep them.

Anyway, PM me............
Hi Skim,

no it isn't actually. A company I am involved with is starting to do advertising copywriting and we are looking for examples of what works and what doesn't. Whatever people say about VS his marketing methods must work and is good to be able to study it and have it on file.
I already have boxes of other material but nothing on spreadbetting and would like to see some examples. Nothing sinister I am afraid!

I cannot believe I am hearing this. What you are asking is to learn how to use marketing methods that work because they make hugely exagerated claims and that is why people fall for it.

If you intend to adopt this approach I would strongly argue that whilst it works, it is unethical as you will need to start making promises of earning over £400 a day by spreadbetting etc.

We have yet to have anyone on here confirm that any of his methods work and in fact we have plenty of testimonies that clearly show that it doesnt.

On a separate issue it is noticeable that your website is remarkably similar to his when you get to the homepage. There were even comments made on this board dismissing your site and not even bothering to check the product details because people assumed that you were associated with VS. This was quite a while ago and I know that you have nothing to do with him but if you go down the route of copying him you will undoubtedly be tarred with the same brush.

Is it really worth it ?

Hi Paul,

I take your point. Our original copy was done by an external agency and there was a lot of similarlity - as for most web copywriting work. I believe a better job can be done for me and for other people - hence my involvement with three others in a new business venture. I won't actually write copy but have a financial interest.

Effective copywriting is a formula but the words chosen in the copy can make all the difference. The format, layout, the process of followup communication, how long between contacts etc are things that direct marketing agencies spend loads of money researching.

Irrespective of the product, one can learn from any good examples and no matter what you think of VS his stuff is effective. We can learn from it regardless of if used to market spreadbetting course or not.

The UK market is more evolved that the AUS market so wanted some examples that is all.

Thanks for your concern for my reputation though!
Hi AT,

Last Thursday, someone called Russ Whitney placed a large ad in London Evening Standard under the title:

“If you have 90 minutes we will teach you how to trade like a pro!”

Get FREE training and a FREE Gift

And so, who’s Russ Whitney I hear you ask? A Google search takes you here: (a property scam)

and, here: (a seminar scam)

and, inevitably:

which is under construction!

All the usual, blah, blah, etc from a new kid on the block!?

Darren Winters (literally, a home grown “clone” of Chris Manning, but without any trading credentials!) also had a large ad in Metro on Thursday, which is a FREEBIE paper in London – I’m told that the mainstream magazines (IC, Shares, Money Week, etc) now decline to carry his ads! Winters also advertises his “seminars” on local radio in and around Greater London.

However, as far as I can make out, Vince Stanzione specialises in placing discrete little ads in the classified sections of the popular tabloids and three broadsheets that I know of: Times and Telegraph and Business on Sunday.

Anyone of these ads will lead you to anyone of the ten or more websites that VS operates in UK; there maybe more for all I know, but far and away the most interesting of these sites is this one: Notice that Vince is UK Master No 5 and that he made his money selling telephones or so it seems, if you believe this bumph!

In the meantime, I’ll email you VS’s sites in PDF format - I downloaded at some stage last October. 🙂



On LBC Radio 97.3FM there have been some ads for trading, and by listening carefully it is for software. It's being run by Whitney UK, and this appears to be the website although this is not mentioned in the ad (

And they too are running 'free workshops', I suppose on how you're going to make an absolute killing out of the market when everybody else can't. If only it were true, but it's not. Suck 'em in, bleed 'em dry.

So now my ears are assaulted by two commercials for trading, just when I thought Doji Darren's campaign was ending.

If anyone has been to the Whitney UK 'workshop', it would be interesting to hear what it's all about.

Trading touts seem to be the new timeshare touts.
Hiya Skim,

I see they’ve discovered a new indicator – “the holy grail” – but what they don’t tell you is that it only works on Fridays. Personally, I think my new indicator - I’m calling it “indicatus mirabilis” – is much better because it works on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


Keep your eye peeled today for the latest indicator to hit the market.....the magnificent, all conquering .... GBDX...otherwise known as the Gordon Brown Double Cross...LOL.. which may be used in tandem with the supreme...CSS...also known as the Chump Side Step