I think the problem is how spread betting and CFD has been "sold". I dread to think how many unsophisticated clients have wiped out a large part of their savings/ wealth. There must be many examples but an example close to me was a long CFD position in Alcoa. About 70,000 shares at around $40. Margin about $420,000. OK so the position was closed producing a loss of $52000. But lets say that position was still open now, which is possible, the loss would be $2,100,000I have to admit that I have such nightmare scenarios at the back of my mind when placing trades. I know that in 99.99% of cases it is just a question of being sensible but I guess anything can happen.
Makes me wonder whether I should be paying the additional spread to use guaranteed stops!
Other examples were shorting way out of the money index puts using VAL (value at risk) assessment (like all the Banks were doing) and hedging with futures if necessary. Well all this theory was blown out of the water by the events of the last few months.