Theres some right old misinformation in this thread.
AFAIK and in my experience.
There is you / your broker / their liquidity provider. You as the client are trading their price.
The broker has the option to take the other side of your bet or pass it to the LP, earning a % of spread. They divide you into two groups, 'A book' and 'B book'.
'A book' are the legit winners or folks who trade so big they could hurt the broker.
'B book' are the losers.
The broker will make the B traders comfortable while they lose, lessen slippage / listen to the whining / amend tardes etc etc. The A traders get more realistic slippage, reprimanded for taking any advantage of pricing etc.
Put yourself in the role of the broker:-
Marty Schwartz has just been on the phone looking to open up an account with you, you know hes a big dog consistent legit winner.
You dont wanna take the other side of him cos hes the nuts.
You dont wanna give his flow to your LP cos hes big enough to pizz them off.
So what you gonna do with Marty? :whistling
For anyone whos interesed,
Other side of the screen is worth a read. Its one of the better threads on T2W about how they see you, aligns with my experiences also :cheesy:.
The bottom line is they dont need to cheat you. They wont tolerate for long winners who are only winners for taking the pizz with their pricing (B book pricing / latency etc).
Most folks who whine about SBs and Brokers are doing so because its the easy option, and its a distraction from the real problem, which is theyre kinda cr@p at trading