Spread with CL?



Wonder if u can give me some insite into oli (CL)

1st - in spreadbeeting what would be the spread, is it huge
2nd - If I didnt go with spreadbetting, and bought a contract via a broker, is there a big spread, or is like like buying a contract for ES or DOW?


Wonder if u can give me some insite into oli (CL)

1st - in spreadbeeting what would be the spread, is it huge
2nd - If I didnt go with spreadbetting, and bought a contract via a broker, is there a big spread, or is like like buying a contract for ES or DOW?


Spreadbetting i think you can get 6 tick spreads with ETX Capital.

If you went somewhere like Amp Futures you could probably trade inside
the spread but this would be quite rare i think what with all the program
trades and the spread traders legging in and out at times. You would
probably be better off trading QM which is the CrudeOil Miny future.

Smaller margins and smaller movements and more chance of keeping the shirt
on your back trading this beast. There are people that make a hell of a lot of
money trading oil but there are 1 or 2 threads on here where people have lost a
lot of money as well.

Be carefull oil can move a couple of Dollars or more in a minute or so.

Margins Ninja Trader @ Amp Futures - futures, options and forex trading


Thankyou so much for your input!! really intresting you mention QM.

OK, so i expect 6 ticks as a spread, would there be any slippage onto of that ged ?

Thanks again

Thankyou so much for your input!! really intresting you mention QM.

OK, so i expect 6 ticks as a spread, would there be any slippage onto of that ged ?

Thanks again

If you use Spreadbetting and limit orders maybe a little slippage as they
are market makers. EG: they make their own prices from the Direct Access
market like a DA broker.

There again you can still get slippage with a direct access broker if the market
is moving fast enough.

Just look at the different SB companies and the DA brokers and make your mind up


Thankyou so much for your input!! really intresting you mention QM.

OK, so i expect 6 ticks as a spread, would there be any slippage onto of that ged ?

Thanks again
Newt24...at ProSpreads depending on how volatile the market is you could get a spread as tight as 2.5 tic's wide.The actual market price of 1 tic and our spread of .75 of a tic on the offer or .75 below the bid, after 200 lot's traded on your account per calendar month this could go down to 1.9 tic spread. As i say depending on market volatility.
DMA...actual market prices we just add or subtract our spread (commission)