can any one give me there thoughts on "Spread Trader" a link found on this site published by Fleet Street publications??
is it any good?
has anyone out there got hands on experience with this tool?
Don't think that Vince Stanzioe uses Fleet Street Publications for his trash-he uses a publisher in FLEET IN HAMPSHIRE which as far as I am aware is somebody completely different.
SpreadTrader is quite a nicely produced alert giving tips on spreadbets including the setting of stops.Alerts are sent by text followed by hard copy the next day,with recommendations to move stops and close positions sent by the same manner.
Problem is that even when text is received market has often moved past the recommended price and does not revert to entry level suggested therefore trade is missed.Similar situation when closing instructions given.
Of trades which do get filled results are patchy some good winners but offset by quite a few losers.Could probably improve situation by introducing your own money management system rather than following theirs blindly but still dont think you will make much unless you are doing about £10 per point upwards and then becomes a bit risky.
Costs about £400 per year-better ways of spending your money IMHO.
Don't think that I will be renewing my subscription 😢😢
Keep a low profile Chartman-once they get hold of your name you get spammed for every "Get Rich Quick" scheme that has ever been invented and a few more on top of that!!Property searches and internet publishing are the latest ones!!