Spread sheet to record trades


Active member
Apologies if this is not the right board but i have been trying to put together a decent spreadsheet to record trades for my own records and to give me something i can analyse later to look for patterns of where i am winning and loosing and try to figure out why. I am sure many of you must already have something in Excel etc and i am looking for some help or pointers to the best way to do this or if anyone knows of somewhere i can get one already made all the better.

I have attached the current version of mine but it is still far from finished.

I trade long and short so need to be able to handle this as well as US + UK stocks and Indices (just made separate pages for US and UK so far)

Thanks for any help you can give.


I use two linked Excel sheets - the first is for individual trades, and the second is for my end of day summary.

My headings for individual trades in US futures are:
day (Wednesday)
date (28 May)
action (sell)
entry price (959.25)
exit price (953.5)
lots (1)
points (5.75)
$ (287.5)

My headings for daily summary are:
$ EOD gains/loss (not telling)
minus commission (-43.2)
$ EOD (not telling)
$ balance (not telling)
£ balance (not telling)
$ to £ exchange rate (1.6383)
profit % (not telling)

Hi Skimbleshanks,

I would love to have a spreadsheet such as this and am useless at creating one myself, would you sell me one?


This thread's a bit long in the tooth - here's a version with later excel


I think no one can without keeping track of records of trade. Keeping record includes lot of discipline and grit. All losing traders must start immediately keeping track of the records.
I tend to agree with you, even though I don't do it myself, because of the discipline and grit you mentioned. OTOH, I do a Weekly Report of 28 pairs and gold, which is discipline in itself. I just make sure I trade my own forecasts.

I think no one can without keeping track of records of trade. Keeping record includes lot of discipline and grit. All losing traders must start immediately keeping track of the records.