Spread betting without volume oscillators?

Spreadbetting no volume on charts

HI there,

new to this forum but I have recently bought some books on spreadbetting and technical analysis. I went to set up an account on tradefair (part of betfair) but they do not show volume on their charts. I also applied to cmc markets but they also do not show volume, I dont think paddypowertrader does either so Im starting to wonder if any spreadbetting companies offer volume on their charts and if not why is this? The books I have read both state that volume data is important in determining market sentiment and confirming market breakouts etc so the fact that no spreadbetting company offers this seems strange. Does anyone know of a spreadbetting company that does have voume on their charts? and If not what about a website with free charting with realtime volume data displayed.

Many thanks,

No spread bet co has volume. For Forex, indicies and some shares, you can use the free MetaTrader - make sure 'Show all' is ticked in the market window to reveal all the instruments. Get the chart you want and Ctrl L to show volume.

Basic, but free...

HI there,

new to this forum but I have recently bought some books on spreadbetting and technical analysis. I went to set up an account on tradefair (part of betfair) but they do not show volume on their charts. I also applied to cmc markets but they also do not show volume, I dont think paddypowertrader does either so Im starting to wonder if any spreadbetting companies offer volume on their charts and if not why is this? The books I have read both state that volume data is important in determining market sentiment and confirming market breakouts etc so the fact that no spreadbetting company offers this seems strange. Does anyone know of a spreadbetting company that does have voume on their charts? and If not what about a website with free charting with realtime volume data displayed.

Many thanks,


No volume on any sbs. But you could always use pasqys garaunteed system to make you a millionaire !!!!👍👍