This is what i am trying to understand Mike, why would you open an account with the above forex brokers and trade currency with a leveraged account when you could spread bet the same instrument with something like a 1 or 2 pip spread, I know Leopard touched on the subject before that the SB companies can manipulate prices, but surely not to an extent where it is blatantly obvious cheating ? Surely there must be regulations in place.
Spreads on eurusd, about:
Hirose 0.7
Oanda 1 to 1.2
mbT 0.8 to 1
Pepperstone 1.3 -1.6
Those brokers are all regulated and are not based in the middle of nowwhere, all account are segregated.
Open demos with all of them and spend time comparing prices, they all share the same prices, the difference lays in few pipettes.
Executions are also important, the speed and how much do they have improved in slippage, so you need to test how you get filled compared to the price at the moment you pressed the button in any market condition.
They all use mt4 platform (not the best imho) apart from Hirose and Oanda also have their own (which is better).
When you open an account with them, trade and you see something unusual, you need to keep them on their toes and eventually report it to the appropriate body.
It is all part of the job.
Of course you need to know when is best to trade based on your way to trade, if you scalp for 10 pips and an important news is coming out, the spread will widen and your chances will narrow down.
I am not trying to promote them, what I am trying to say is that they have their pro and contro. Hope it helps.