Spread Betting Prices


Hello, I am new to spread betting, I had a demo account for a few months and recently decided to try it for real. However I lost a bet today and I am wondering about the reason why. I made a down bet on the FTSE 100 rolling daily with tradefair and then for 1 minute the FTSE 100 price went from 5965 to 6005 then right back down from 6005 to 5965. I was stopped out. My question is how and why did this happen? I have checked the London stock exchange website and it doesn't show the FTSE getting anywhere near 6000 today.

Thanks for any help

I posted another thread with the graph but it didn't seem to format properly and I couldn't see the edit button.
Give them a call MrFroggy then let us know what they say.

5972 is today's high on other platforms.
Thanks for the advice, I sent them an email and they refunded my loss and restored my position. There was no explanation of what went wrong so I don't know what happened.
Keep a very close eye on them from now on.
I had a similar issue earlier in the week with another SB co. their price was only 10points higher than that of the others but was just enough to take me out by exactly 1 point!
No refund for me though.
Keep a very close eye on them from now on.
I had a similar issue earlier in the week with another SB co. their price was only 10points higher than that of the others but was just enough to take me out by exactly 1 point!
No refund for me though.

If you made money on an incorrect price they'll immediately ask for it back.
Actually no, they wouldn't ask. You're right. They'd just take it away by debiting the account.

I remeber a few years ago one of the t2w young bucks got their account credited with 20k plus for no reason and then tried to remove it from his account, he changed sb co's. not long after😆