Spread betting on newly floated companies


Does anybody know of any spreadbetting companies that take bets on companies that are going to float on the AIM?

i ask because im looking to find a gap between quotes from spreadbetting companies

i.e one company quotes a float of 100-105p

and another 120-125

this means a gap of 15 points difference

if anybody gets me can you get in touch for mutual benefit

danger of arbitrage strategies is that you may not be able to close both prices simultaneously to trap the profit. also on floating, the spreads will probably move around like absolute *******s.

seems like a lot of risk and stress, for not much reward...

thats just my opinion, its just that arbitrage isnt for me.


FetteredChinos said:
danger of arbitrage strategies is that you may not be able to close both prices simultaneously to trap the profit. also on floating, the spreads will probably move around like absolute *******s.

seems like a lot of risk and stress, for not much reward...

thats just my opinion, its just that arbitrage isnt for me.


I dont think you understand. The prices stay fixed untill the company opens to trade then they start to move, im talking about placing bets before the company is floated, (i have heard a few companies that do this). You wouldnt have to worry about closing out the bets as a 20 point limit is put on each way. you bet on the higher spread to go down and the lower spread to go up you are garanteed a profit. It would be a fair amount as £100x15 points=1500

i just need to find SB companies that have deals on companies that are about to float