Spread Betting on iPhone


Junior member
I have developed an application for the iPhone which i can use to login to my Capital Spreads account to keep an eye on whats going on. It does NOT allow you to trade but its better than nothing as the current flash interface does not work on iPhone.


Please have a look and let me know what you think and if some of you might use it. I have submitted to the app store but it usually takes a few weeks before it will be available.

If also supports the capital spreads white label sites. If you have a website that you would like supported then please let me know and i will see if i can add it. I have developed a fairly flexible configuration system so i can add new sites relatively easily with only configuration updates and no long app store submission periods.

Some of the sites supported.
* Capital Spreads
* Paddy Power Trader
* E*Trade Financial
* World Spreads Ireland
* World Spreads
* WebTrade India
* SpreadTrader DK
* Just Spreads
* Financial Spreads
* Tradefair Spreads
* t1pspreadbetting
* Global Financial Index

this is class! how much is it going for? have apple "let" you onto itunes for definite?
this is class! how much is it going for? have apple "let" you onto itunes for definite?

Not for definite but i think it should be ok. If for some reason it is blocked i might find an alternative way to deliver it. Pricing is not set yet. I think i won't be selling that many as its a relatively small niche market so its not going to be a $1 app but it wont be too much. Maybe around 9.99 or but I'll probably do an introductory 50% price cut to get people using it. What would you be willing to pay for it? What features would you like?
the ability to submit orders, basic charting would be a start... $9.99 is a good place to start, no more than that I'd think... you can always go down if it ain't shifting...
A feature you have to add is for the app to remember login details... the Igindex app makes you sign in every time which is a pain in the ass...

I don't think there is any other way to market iPhone apps other than the itunes store... Hope you get in with this one
the ability to submit orders, basic charting would be a start... $9.99 is a good place to start, no more than that I'd think... you can always go down if it ain't shifting...
A feature you have to add is for the app to remember login details... the Igindex app makes you sign in every time which is a pain in the ass...

I don't think there is any other way to market iPhone apps other than the itunes store... Hope you get in with this one

Yea the app will remember details for many different spread betting accounts so you can switch between accounts with ease.
Submitting orders is a touchy subject and i don't think the spread betting companies would like it. I am not using a sanctioned API. This is just a fancy screen scraper. I think as a viewer it may be OK but if there is a huge demand i might look into adding orders capability but the disclaimer will be massive!!!
Charting is something i am thinking of adding and have stated looking for some graphing components.

I want this to be in the appstore but if its not allowed it could be distributed to jailbroken iPhones via Cydia.
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Sounds good Flasher, didn't know about Cydia, let us know when its good to go... out of curiousity, are you programming this in Objective-C?
Sounds good Flasher, didn't know about Cydia, let us know when its good to go... out of curiousity, are you programming this in Objective-C?

Yea its in objective C. Its the only way to write apps for the iPhone when using the SDK. I'll update the thread with any news on the app.
what a great way to harvest everyone's account info

wish i'd developed it 😀

I guess its a good thing we are not all like you then. I am interested in making some cash from the appstore and not stealing from anyone.
Just an update. The application has been accepted so hopefully should not be too long before its available. Will report back when its available in the AppStore.
The app is now available in the AppStore. iSpreadBet
If you have any questions mail me at bogorman at gmail dot com
Its fairly easy for me to fix issues and add new sites as its mostly configuration so just let me know if you have any issues and i'll fix ASAP.
Cheers and i hope you find it useful.
nice one, good luck with it... let us know if you add order handling in newer versions
Hi. As i promised earlier in this thread i have dropped the price of the application for the first week so if you want it grab it this week.
Can anyone suggest a good phone that can acces spreadbetting accounts? I'd like to make trades on the move - are there any good handhelds that people would recommend?

Anyone using the app? I am looking on feedback. What do you want this app to do that it does not do at the moment. I imagine trading would be no1 but i need to know there is enough interest before putting my time into developing this as its not straight forward as i am sure you all understand. Cheers.