Lol, I wish it were that easy. If you can create that program that does this, you may have the next big thing. I've seen quite a few programs that seek to make it easy to build automated strategies, but it becomes more complex once you try to add any customization to the strategy. You may be able to find some traders on the forum willing to code a strategy for you, and there are also paid programming services.
FXCM UK client funds are segregated in accordance with FSA client money rules. I'm not sure whether this is one account or multiple accounts, but the compliance department could probably help on this one if you send an email over to compliance (at) . Regardless, client funds are required to be segregated and cannot be used to benefit other creditors in the event of a default. The 50k you're referring to is most likely the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), and it is the UK's statutory fund of last resort for customers of financial services firms. In the event financial services firms were to become insolvent and unable to return all client funds on deposit (as necessary) clients then have the option to file a claim with the FSCS to recoup their funds. The maximum level of compensation for eligible claims is £50,000. Lots more information can be found on the FSCS website
FSCS > Questions and Answers.
Another important consideration when trading with any broker is the type of execution model they use because it could impact their business risk. Many spreadbet brokers take the opposite side of their client's trades and then offset the risk as they see fit. If the broker doesn't offset the risk, then the traders loss could result in a profit for the broker, and a profit for the trader could result in a loss for the broker. Not the best situation if all of your clients are profitable
🙂 . FXCM's NDD forex execution model reduces this risk by offsetting every transaction one-for-one, and our compensation is the pip mark-up on the spread. FXCM makes a market for CFD products, but you'll notice that those products are limited products in which the underlying tends to offer decent liquidity.
FXCM UK is a part of FXCM Inc., an NYSE listed company, and our most recent financial release can be found here
FXCM - Investor Relations - Press Release