Spread Bet Software / Best Analysis


Active member
Which of the Spread Bet companies has the best software from the analysis point of view ?
Sometimes I think that the FSB companies purposely make analysis very hard to do so that the investor ends up losing money in the end. The faster the better for these companies. Thus why offer good analysis and charting (even the charting looks awkward compared to the better ones such as Futuresource) so that the investor will end up making poor trades and closing his account at the earliest time period due to losses.
By the way, I haven't opened any FSB account yet because after my analysis of the whole business, the odds are against you making any money at all. While regular futures trading has stastics of 9 out of 10 traders losing money, the statistics must be horrendous for FSB - could even be 19 our of 20 or even worse.

So beginners, do not be misled by the no commissions, no taxes come on. It is really hard to make money in FSB or CFD with the spreads between the buy and the sell killing you from the very beginning.