Spot On - AutoTrade Software

Jonny, dont know if you are wanting suggestions and enhancements at this point but for those of us with normal daytime jobs to do it would be great if your software was configured to send a txt or email once it had identified (and triggered) a trade.

Hi Neil,

Email integration is a feature I will add in a future release.

A good suggestion, thanks.

I would set up the ability to text but I do not know of any systems I can interface too!


A quick way of setting up SMS alerts is to use an email service which notifies you via SMS when there are new emails. I use Lycos for this as you can set it to only alert you if the email is from a specified sender.

So, for my alerts my program sends an email to my Lycos mail box and uses a sender name of '[email protected]' or similar. The Lycos mail box is set up to then SMS me if I recieve any emails from '[email protected]'. The Lycos SMS costs about 10 pence per SMS. Its a bit of a round about way of doing it but it is far cheaper than any of the alternatives. The SMS content is the email title line.

BTW. I used the mail dll (GWMail32) from Greyware Automation. If you don't register it then it will put a sent by message in the email body but as you never look at the email bodies it can say what it likes in the email body 🙂

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Hi John,

Thanks for the helpful reply.

For the email I can use a public use Java class provided by Sun so will not have the issues you describe with GWMail32.

I now have the pleasure to confirm that auto emailing of trades will be in the initial release.

Boy have I been busy today!


Is it possible for your auto trader to select an initial price range to include the previous day eg 21h00 pm yesterday to 10h00am today ?

Good luck with the venture

Hi Roger,

As it stands probably not, but it is something I can investigate. The problem is that IB down their systems each night and I think you have to relaunch TWS after this event. I will give this a test to see if a running TWS actually automatically reconnects.

If it doesn't there will be work arounds I can look into.

Hi Roger,

I have established with IB that there Server downtimes are:

UK and US Servers 11:45pm to 1am EST
Hong Kong 4.10am to 5am Hong Kong Time. i.e. 21:10 to 22:00 UK time.

For late night or early morning strategies you will have to request that IB connect you to there Hong Kong Server.

Thanks for that JonnyT. Hmm, this overnight approach would seem to be full of potential pitfalls, at least if using IB. I wonder how cooperative they would be to this request ? I'll ask their chat person today.


JonnyT said:
Hi Roger,

I have established with IB that there Server downtimes are:

UK and US Servers 11:45pm to 1am EST
Hong Kong 4.10am to 5am Hong Kong Time. i.e. 21:10 to 22:00 UK time.

For late night or early morning strategies you will have to request that IB connect you to there Hong Kong Server.

i've been following these threads with interest

i do have a service that translates emails into sms texts

i was just about to shut this service down but i could continue it if
its of use to you, it does need 10-30 users to pay for itself though

the cost of the texts would be more than 10p and would involve a subscription

subject line would be the phone number and sends upto 160 characters

more details are on my website