Spiriton Media Group

As PB says the date will come and go and nothing will happen.

Anyone buying this pos is mad.
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Dear Spiritonmedia,

Your letter is well written..... precise....seems reasonably......just like all the other letters that have come from you and still we are not in a position that we are suppose to be, and that is with our shares in OUR custodian or in our possession! You have it wrong when you say that WE are causing the shares to be down in value. You have it wrong when you say WE are the scammers. I don't care who calls me on the company, I know what to do but all we are asking for is what is rightfully ours and stop the BS. You have a responsibility to get the shares issued to the owners. You have watched your company value decline from 3.71 to .01. Doesn't that bother you? Or is it members of the company or affiliates that has reaped the profits as we hold on to false hopes? Everyone should thank the people who are writing on this site to finally give you a kick in the **** and maybe, just maybe you will do what you say and stop with all the BS. I guess that will determine who's scamming who.
Next time you speak with the directors ask them who the companies auditors are. If they balk at this then you know they're playing games because that information is in the public domain.

Then ask them for a set of their latest AUDITED accounts from the same auditors. Again this information is in the public domain. If they balk at this then you'll know they're scum.

However, if they do send you a copy then make sure you google who the auditors are and then call them up to ask them if indeed they are the official auditors.

Start asking simple questions, questions that should have been asked before anyone invests in a company.....

They claim the auditors are Mazars. I have yet to verify this. Accounts should have been filed 04/03/2010 but are still not filed even though we have been told thay have been. I have today had it confirmed by Mazars that they are the Auditors for Spirit On Media
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Does anyone know much about a company called Spiriton Media Group Plc? I have had calls on it and seemed to get a lot of mixed comments. Is this another scam? The UK investors relations contact is someone named Paul Miller. How do you find out if he's registered with the FSA? Thanks for any feedback.

He's not reg with FSA and is now a relations guy for SOM.
You are damaging the company with your posts.

I beleive we have lost a 2 million euro investment because of the negative comments on this forum.

Another crappy excuse.

Listen, a company's shares don't lose 99% of their value because of a message board thread.

They lose 99% of their value because of common sense reasons, ie the company and its managment are a complete shambles.

How anyone can think that buying a share for 0.01 is a great deal when it's fallen from 3.70. Again, where is the common sense and that right there is the paradox of 'common sense' - it's actually not that common......
Has anyone got an independent confirmation that Mazars are actually the auditors for this firm? Called up Mazars and asked?
Hi Spiritonmedia

Well it seems we have moved on to another level, SOM have made an official statement which until it is proved otherwise, I for one accept. However we are no further forward with share allocation and it seems no amount of complaining is going to change that. I for one still believe in the company. With that said, with everything that has been said in the past and the information given it is this that has lead to all this heightened frustration.
We the investors have no reason to try and bring down the SOM or any other company for that matter, all we want is answers to our questions and our tradable share certs.
All the questions have, I understand, been asked of the respective IR personnel, but as previously stated they are but 1 person trying to appease over 120+ UK investors, not an easy job. If you wish to take this, and the other forums in house then I would suggest you create a blog/forum page on the official SOM website and pass each registered investor their login details via their IR and then our questions can all be placed and answered there? NB A simple voting tool on each post would allow us the investors the chance to prioritise which question we deemed most important?

Oldoneleg - I do not believe that a simple forum like this would stop a multi-million € investor; if that were the case then I seriously doubt the investors credentials. Also you state that you have been speaking with the directors? Who have you been speaking with, where and when? If you have the ear of the directors why are they not sending out e-mail updates for IR to pass on? I know they are busy with trying to get the mezzanine funding, but a simple e-mail would appease a lot, if not all the investors?

DupedInvestor - while I understand your frustration, we have already had all this negativity posted. I believe this forum is now about trying to stop people being swindled out of any more money by known scammers using our details sold to them by ALV HK and others, and update those interested on what is going on with SOM.

Dear All - as previously stated I do not profess to understand how all this Share Dealing works, but we have now been given a set deadline by SOM with regards to the accounts. All we can do now is wait. The legendary members have all been here before and heard it all before, again we can only wait to see who is proved right. As for the share price, this originally rose to the €3.40 from €1.7ish when SOM bought out CIT, the subsequent share price fall really been since the de-restriction on the 30 June. It is worth while to remember that when CIT was incorporated the share price then dropped to €0.05 and rose from there to it's peak so far of €3.71 on 2nd June 2009, and has since been falling with the drastic fall coming since the de-restriction. So the fact that the CIT share holders dumped their shares and the share price falling is not really a surprise as even I understand if there is no demand then the price falls!!

In this time SOM have made no major press releases, no marketing campaigns and no major launch statement. However they HAVE bought Equi8, Das-Vierte television Channel and signed an exclusive deal with Deutsche Telekom to promote Equi8's betting portal.

Pento - As for the auditors I'm sure someone will check this out for us?

All in all any doubts I may have been harbouring have now now been alleviated since the last IR e-mail and the fact that the company and the accountants have committed to a set date for the accounts!! When this date is reached then we can all re-assess our position!

Stop believing everything you're told and start investigating these inconsistencies for yourself. How many deadlines for accounts have come and gone yet you still accept their assurances about the next deadline. Why don't you ascertain if those auditors are working with SOM? Why leave it to someone else? I think the problem is that you cannot accept that you were wrong to buy these shares and you are hoping that if you ignore all the evidence then somehow it will all work out. I have seen a lot of people go through this type of thing when they have been scammed by boiler rooms.
Hi pboyles

Just to let you know I have investigated this company a great deal and found support for both sides of the argument!! All I am doing now is giving them the benefit of doubt and seeing if they can keep to this last promise!! Do I wish I'd kept my money in my pocket? I'll answer that on the 13th August!!! As for the auditors, the questions has been asked but no response as yet!! BTW do the accountants have to give this info out as matter of law? or can they hide behind client confidentiality?

It all seems far too elaborate to be a scam anymore as there is too much info out there on the web, so SOM is certainly real!! As for mine and the other investors shares allocation, well yes that could be a pile of crap and been born out from a scam!! Who knows!! But again I for one am giving SOM the chance to make me rich!!

Hi pboyles

Just to let you know I have investigated this company a great deal and found support for both sides of the argument!! All I am doing now is giving them the benefit of doubt and seeing if they can keep to this last promise!! Do I wish I'd kept my money in my pocket? I'll answer that on the 13th August!!! As for the auditors, the questions has been asked but no response as yet!! BTW do the accountants have to give this info out as matter of law? or can they hide behind client confidentiality?

It all seems far too elaborate to be a scam anymore as there is too much info out there on the web, so SOM is certainly real!! As for mine and the other investors shares allocation, well yes that could be a pile of crap and been born out from a scam!! Who knows!! But again I for one am giving SOM the chance to make me rich!!


I wish you well, though I suspect you may ultimately be disappointed. Remember that most if not all of the positive reviews you read on the internet are most likely written by the company or their stock promoters. That includes press releases so you can never really trust what you see on Yahoo Finance or elsewhere.
To all Investors, please wake up.

Go to pboyles post 160 and at the bottom he says, "This reminds me of the Biodefence scam".

Biodefense is a company I have 6,000 shares in. It is an American Corporation, an IPO that has developed a machine that in the words of the CEO, "blasts letters with energy in the Maildefenders killing chamber but come out undamaged"
This machine is to fight bio-terrorism, anthrax, smallpox, plague, e-coli, influenza, hiv and botulism.
If you go to the Biodefense website you will see that one of the advisers is non other than General Lord Guthrie, Chief of the Defence Staff British Army (Ret).
To connect this company with a scam is lunacy.

pboyles and anley are profesional derampers, have a look at the 2700 odd posts between them on this site.

I will be incontact with Biodefense Director of Communications Rob Heller to find out if they are proceeding with any legal action for slander by these two.


Hi Oldoneleg

Whatever pboyles and anley have said they are only trying to stop other people being scammed!! Please don't start screaming and shouting, just do any bidding behind the scene's and once you have proof then come back and post it!! Good or Bad it will only help others!!

Basically I'm asking you to calm down!!! This is not the place to start a war of words!!

Relax oldoneleg....relax. Your getting all worked up. This forum is to allow all kinds of opinions to be out in the open.
It's really funny in a way that the company has come out with new information and it makes things all better. I agree, that it's a step in the right direction, but don't forget that we've been told it so many times before. Bottom line is, WE have no choice! And that is exactly my beef. No shares in my acct. If the price went to zero and we had our shares, then there is nothing to complain about. I believe the company is a real company. However, there's got to be a reason why they are withholding the shares to be issued to the shareholders. Why? I don't necessarily think its a scam but it may border closely to stock manipulation like what a previous message read. If you ask the FSA or any regulating body if a company has the right to withhold shares to paid investors, I think you will agree that something is wrong.

I remember a letter from IR stating that it was quite fortunate that the company hadn't issues the shares because of possible takeover threats. That it was to the benefit of the shareholders and the company. How worse can it get when you see the stock drop from 3.71 to .01???? Maybe a takeover might be a good answer to their problems. I don't think anyone would look at taking them over when there are no financials available. It's just plain nonsense!

I respect what you've added to this site even if we don't agree, but if the negative opinions force them to stand up and take notice, then it's served its purpose, wouldn't you agree? If the company is standing on solid ground with all the great things they have said were in progress, they shouldn't feel threatened by a forum site like this and a few disgruntled ignorant investors. I also wonder if the company themselves have been selling the shareholders information. I had invested before in a company that had worked with several boiler room outfits and they themselves were the ones dealing rotten tomatoes. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? You veterans of the forum would have a better understanding. Am I off my rocker or is it possible??
To all Investors, please wake up.

Go to pboyles post 160 and at the bottom he says, "This reminds me of the Biodefence scam".

Biodefense is a company I have 6,000 shares in. It is an American Corporation, an IPO that has developed a machine that in the words of the CEO, "blasts letters with energy in the Maildefenders killing chamber but come out undamaged"
This machine is to fight bio-terrorism, anthrax, smallpox, plague, e-coli, influenza, hiv and botulism.
If you go to the Biodefense website you will see that one of the advisers is non other than General Lord Guthrie, Chief of the Defence Staff British Army (Ret).
To connect this company with a scam is lunacy.

pboyles and anley are profesional derampers, have a look at the 2700 odd posts between them on this site.

I will be incontact with Biodefense Director of Communications Rob Heller to find out if they are proceeding with any legal action for slander by these two.




Youre not exactly George Soros are you, how much are your Biodefense shares trading at? Did you get into Royal Pertoleum as well, what about Kalahari Greentech, the list goes on. Can you tell us which broker sold you the Biodefense shares?

Here's a press article about a boiler room trying to scam someone into buying Biodefense shares in March 2009. If I could be bothered I could post a lot more, but I cant as it seems I'm talking to the deaf.



Just wanted to say "thanks" for any and all information that you've provided. I know your taking a few jabs from a few and it's probably going to heat up more as the IR dept of SOM has just asked people to go on this forum and tell of all the good the company has done, so people like you and I and the rest of the sour grapes gang can be put in our place. LOL! It behooves me that such a little group as us would ruffle the feathers of such a company where they would blame us for losing potential contracts and new money invested in the company. WOW! Next, they'll blame us for not issuing the share certificates to all the investors. That would be something!

Mr. Miller has asked in his email for any suggestions on how to stop the negative comments. My response is: issue our shares and update us with FACTS not forecast. We want to be able to trust the company. Stop blaming other people for things that the company is totally responsible for. Their excuse of not knowing does not give us a lot of confidence. They're suppose to know! They should have know about the requirements needed to file the proper information with Companies House. They do have a responsibility to the shareholders. You would think that being a publicly traded company for over a year and a half that someone would have inquired on the proper accounting practice. No Excuses!

pboyles, keep up the flow of facts! This group needs it! Thanks again.
Does anyone know much about a company called Spiriton Media Group Plc? I have had calls on it and seemed to get a lot of mixed comments. Is this another scam? The UK investors relations contact is someone named Paul Miller. How do you find out if he's registered with the FSA? Thanks for any feedback.

Hi, I have meet Paul Miller personaly and he is a great man, He is not a scam, 👍 You must of been in scam before, to think like this. For a fact I know that SpiritonTv has been registared to Companys House in London so you could get on this site and read their reports for yourself.
I have also been to Germany twice, to talked with the directors, Udo Scharr and TV technicions, I have seen for my self the work they are putting into this new company, Rome was not built in a day!! Do some real work for your self before you start putting words out this like this.
Hi, I have meet Paul Miller personaly and he is a great man, He is not a scam, 👍 You must of been in scam before, to think like this. For a fact I know that SpiritonTv has been registared to Companys House in London so you could get on this site and read their reports for yourself.

Hello Mary Lou

You could indeed check the reports if they had filed them but they havnt filed them despite several deadlines passing.
I have also been to Germany twice, to talked with the directors, Udo Scharr and TV technicions, I have seen for my self the work they are putting into this new company, Rome was not built in a day!! Do some real work for your self before you start putting words out this like this.

Can I ask which broker you bought your shares from?