Spiriton Media Group

I am NOT Paul Morton - just someone who has known him for a very long time and from PERSONAL experience can vouch for his sincerity. I was taken aback at the malicious nature of your (now deleted) post and felt I had to say something in his defence. If you still do not believe me that is, of course, your prerogative. That is all I wish to say.
Thank you.

Assuming you are not Morton can you explain the following. How can you vouch for the sincerity of a person who has taken money from you and got you involved with Spiriton Media, a company that is and always was worthless. If you didn't realise that before you should now, the company has been wound up by the High Court, your shares are worthless and your money is gone. Meanwhile Morton lives the high life with your and others money.
EVERYBODY I know that knows Paul in Hong Kong has invested sums ranging from $10,000 to $1.5m (which was this person's entire pension fund and who is now elderly and destitute in the UK).


It's so sad to see the damage these crooks do to people's lives. Ive heard some of the UK based victims have been left with nothing and have even borrowed money to 'invest'. I'm sure there will be a day of reckoning and these guys will end up in court but the money is probably well gone.
Assuming you are not Morton can you explain the following. How can you vouch for the sincerity of a person who has taken money from you and got you involved with Spiriton Media, a company that is and always was worthless. If you didn't realise that before you should now, the company has been wound up by the High Court, your shares are worthless and your money is gone. Meanwhile Morton lives the high life with your and others money.

Thank you very much guys for putting your side of the story on all of this. I can now get on with the rest of my life! Bye.
Thank you very much guys for putting your side of the story on all of this. I can now get on with the rest of my life! Bye.

In other words Mr Morton, you have taken everyone's money and moved on with your life.

You can be sure that I will be providing them all with your personal details.

Thank you very much guys for putting your side of the story on all of this. I can now get on with the rest of my life! Bye.

Plums why go without answering the very valid points raised on how and why you can vouch for Paul Morton.......
Som is organised crime..probably a smoke screen .Can yo explain me how a po box company can collect 10 millions debts?
Som is organised crime..probably a smoke screen .Can yo explain me how a po box company can collect 10 millions debts?

Because the financial markets are not properly regulated. Even the areas that are regulated nothing is enforced, even when you report illegal activity nothing is done. The markets are therefore perfect for criminals. Twenty or thirty years ago criminals robbed banks, now they set up boiler rooms and shell companies and steal from people. SOM was a scam from day one, anybody that still doesn't see that is a fool.
Because the financial markets are not properly regulated. Even the areas that are regulated nothing is enforced, even when you report illegal activity nothing is done. The markets are therefore perfect for criminals. Twenty or thirty years ago criminals robbed banks, now they set up boiler rooms and shell companies and steal from people. SOM was a scam from day one, anybody that still doesn't see that is a fool.

When Meyer Lanskey, the father and initial financial brains of the American mafia got taken down to the New York stock exchange floor he famous remark was 'I joined the wrong mob'.

Funny, but so true..........
When did Paul Morton resign from this post or is it because the company is been wound up he lists on his cv that he finished with SOM in January 2011. What about Paul Miller - who is he working for and has he resigned his post too.

To my knowledge Paul Miller never had a post. He volunteered his position as a mouth piece for SOM. What I would like to know is what would happen if Paul Miller became incapacitated, had an accident etc. Udo Schaar and all the other so-called managers are forever incommunicado.

What I would also like to know is what are all the other 150+ investors doing in light of the winding up order? I'm like the rest of you, been involved since 2006 having lost £100,000 with not a single penny in return and a pile of worthless global shares certificates!

It's no good complaining to Paul Miller he's much a victim as anyone else. What combined legal or civil action is being taken. I've discovered that the City of London Police couldn't care less!
The problem has been that the majority of shareholders haven't accepted that this was a scam from day one. I spoke to one guy who had been contacted by the police and refused to co-operate with them because he thought it was none of their business. You only have to read the start of this thread to see the abuse I got for saying it was all a scam. I think I've probably spoken to two people who 'got it' nobody else could see it despite all the warnings.
Damn lost my reply! I've known this was a scam from from the very beginning when I became suspicious of the experience of Frank Breuer, but everybody has been fed with positive sounding message. "Don't worry chaps it will be alright on the night"!

How many times have you heard that when you got into bed with some dodgy 'friend'?

Instead of sitting on your hands accepting all this tosh. We need action! Don't think the police will help, they are only interested in filing their crime reports and meeting Government targets. Don't think Action Fraud will help either, they're just another quango.

The well known Bell and Guchone were said to have been arrested, but they talked their way out of it and were let go by the police to carry on their business. As far as the police are concerned, the case is closed and no further action will take place.

We need collective action to recover our money (with interest. But civil action through the courts is very expensive for one person to pay with no guarantee of success, but it might be worth 150+ times £100 to hire a top lawyer.
I see Oldoneleg is viewing now. What do you have to say about all this?

You're talking to a ghost there PBOYLES!! OLDONELEG will never post on this forum again as he knows to do so would be to admit that SOM, and all his other investments are a worthless pile of paper, thats if he has paper certificates!!! I bet it's just electronic data using up a portion of his HDD and/or USB-MS. 🙂

No word from the Official Receivers as yet which is a little upsetting? Actually I'll contact Patrick and see if he has any further information.


..... We need collective action to recover our money (with interest. But civil action through the courts is very expensive for one person to pay with no guarantee of success, but it might be worth 150+ times £100 to hire a top lawyer.


I actually agree with you; but on top of this we need everyone involved as an 'Investor' to actively admit it's a scam! Most are not willing; if we can get Paul Miller to release and/or the Official Receiver the UK Investors list then we can call a meeting, in the scout hut if we have to, and go from there. Plus someone will have to dedicate their time to assisting the Lawyer!
I'm all for this, but at present we have about 10 people max on this forum who have lost money to SOM and the Directors, we need the rest to make it financially viable.

Any ideas from the rest of you??


So there you have it! Have you read Paul Miller's lastest update?

There are no assets and no money. The new investor, Sir Joseph Birch ("JB"), of Birchwood Stud, North Tawton, Devon failed to perform under the legally binding Agreement signed through his company Energy Enterprises International Limited ("EEIL").

We need absolutely every one to wake up and take action through the civil courts. What everyone has to do is create their own victim report with statements and dates plus as many 'exhibits' as you possess. All original documents that you received through the post from SOM. must be put in a plastic folder with minimal handling. This is a huge job, but no civil court will take on your case unless you have these statements. And it can't be done by individuals. It HASto be done collectively through all 150+ investors.

It is far too expensive for an individual and I could imagine a legal cost of £200,000. You wan't get legal aid either. If there are any legal wiz-kids amongst you, you must come forward now. Don't wait and let the offenders get away. It is unlikely as admitted by Paul Miller you will hear much from him again.


If necessary go onto Google and seek the help of an independant Fraud Advisor.
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We need collective action to recover our money (with interest. But civil action through the courts is very expensive for one person to pay with no guarantee of success, but it might be worth 150+ times £100 to hire a top lawyer.

Funnily enough thats what an aquantance of mine suggested to his victims after stashing away over 40 million dollars from a sizable fraud

Most of his victims paid him another couple of hundred bucks to engage a solicitor, which came in very useful to pay his kids school fees and his wifes living expenses whilst he was serving his time at her majestys pleasure 😆

I know from experience that the police are worse than useless when it comes to cases of fraud, but its worth pursuing. The key is to get multiple complaints, and get everyone to complain to one centralised location citing the same crime reference number. I've spent the last 4 years trying to convince a couple of thousand people who where the victims of fraud of an ex business partner of mine to make a complaint. It took over 140 complaints before they actually stared to take things seriously, and in feb of this year the naughty bunny was finally convicted.

You just need to get one police officer on side who see's the opportunity for a conviction, and things will start to move. You wont get your money back, but do it for the lulz anyway.