Spank the bucketshop with a free £100 account

tarde that you slapbooby!

Determined to get back to £100 :whistling


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I closed for a 20 point profit as not holding over the weekend, account is now at £51 so still not going to be easy to recover. Only have 2 days to trade next week then I'm travelling round Europe for 6 weeks so I'll be going all in on the first trade!
My application's nowhere to be found. Might have to send in another one.

Seems like us Canadian gents are too timid folk for the Wild West of Spreadbetting! 🙁
that's close to gay porn, death by mod?

It's hardly gay for any ladies who may be present (although I suppose they are still being far too sensible to stick around here for long 🙂 )

BTW, if Burt Reynolds could have transferred some of that body hair to his head, he wouldn't have needed the rug.
Oh and I seem to have opened the wrong type of account as they are stinging me with a premium for a gauranteed stop loss. Thats not helping at all.

Well, some firms insist on people who seem to be newbies (based on their replies to certain questions) having GSLs, so you may have been put into that category without realising. I don't remember TF being like that actually, but it may have changed.
I had some good times with Tradefair a while back (some bad times as well, but they were all my own fault), so I don't think of them as a bucket shop. In fact as SBs go, I found them one of the best.

They've also consistently offered this bonus for all the time I've known about them, and treated me fairly enough, so I wouldn't want to mess them around, even if I qualified for another bonus, which of course I don't.

Still it's fun to watch others doing it 🙂

I seem to remember that tarder_dante was quite good at this sort of thing.
Or has he cashed out and bought his own SB company by now?
I seem to remember that tarder_dante was quite good at this sort of thing.
Or has he cashed out and bought his own SB company by now?

Er, not quite. Less cashed out, more crapped out. He sells training now.

Obviously this is just a sideline, he still tardes, he's very successful, makes tons of money tarding, enjoys teaching wants to help people, blah blah blah (continued p.89%)
Gone long CAC £2pp all in trade hoping it will fill the gap. Only allowed a 20 point stop, it's gonna be risky!
Gone long CAC £2pp all in trade hoping it will fill the gap. Only allowed a 20 point stop, it's gonna be risky!

Hi Brewski,

Just scanning through and saw your decision to go long on CMC. I think that you are brave. I'm watching this one, this morning, not often that I do, because of the elections. My view is that this is moving up towards averages and then will turn down again.
You may be right matey, I didn't base the trade on anything other than just hoping it would fill the gap back up to around 3150.
No, I thnk that you may well be right. It would be a nice rise. I am not trading this until I can see a short but that does not mean that it may not make you a profit first!. Good luck with it.