Spank the bucketshop with a free £100 account

Should have pulled the trade but didn't against my better judgement. Shouldn't have been trading £10p when I really really can't afford it either. Blew the account. Not really much else to tell other than I continue to be able to sell bottoms with alarming accuracy. This time next year, Rodders...
Should have pulled the trade but didn't against my better judgement. Shouldn't have been trading £10p when I really really can't afford it either. Blew the account. Not really much else to tell other than I continue to be able to sell bottoms with alarming accuracy. This time next year, Rodders...

Sorry to hear it man. I used to do that a lot. Although I never dared to put that much money into it more than a couple of times.
Should have pulled the trade but didn't against my better judgement. Shouldn't have been trading £10p when I really really can't afford it either. Blew the account. Not really much else to tell other than I continue to be able to sell bottoms with alarming accuracy. This time next year, Rodders...

There's a lot of money to be made selling bottoms (well, someone had to say it).
Experiment over....for now anyways 🙄

Yesterdays unsettling of mental trading state to blame...and that's down to me for not recognising it soon enough.
Nothing whatsoever to do with the markets, I have to stress that !
The old truism springs to mind, having no position is a position, and in trading we should recognise this sooner rather than later.
Experiment over....for now anyways 🙄

Yesterdays unsettling of mental trading state to blame...and that's down to me for not recognising it soon enough.
Nothing whatsoever to do with the markets, I have to stress that !
The old truism springs to mind, having no position is a position, and in trading we should recognise this sooner rather than later.

I get nervous there and now wait for the actual strong move down first.

It's been an up day since 0918. Be ruthless with those closes.I am no cv,but if he has not made money, today, I don't understand it because I, normally, get covered in ****e when everyone else is right.
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Why? It's been an up day since 0918. Be ruthless with those closes.I am no cv,but if he has not made money, today, I don't understand it because I, normally, get covered in ****e when everyone else is right.

Glad you are making it today. It didn't work for me as the usual correlations I use are completely out of whack.
It's my turn to get nervous! I've stopped trading, just in case it reverses on me.

If you got in first thing in the morning then you have made more than enough. Time to get out there and enjoy what remains of the sunshine. 🙂
What a f*cked up day. The market seriously mess me up. I lost most of my profits and right now the market went my way big time and I bailed right at the beginning of the move and missed a huge part of it. The bucket shop lost half my last order as it refused to trade on the big move.

Down for the day but up since my new trading technique.

Reset and now trying again.
I must agree to it, i cant get a grip today either.

I almost made back all my lost profits. So I am happy enough for now. EUR/USD remains very jittery. My guess is that while it continues to bounce around at what appears to be the bottom, it's going to be a difficult market.