Um what exactly are you trying to say doberman..??
Cos i understand some of it..., but your losing 2million everyday through your bank and property?? :-0
I owe the banks over 1.5 mil,
payments 10k per month,
income from rent £2500,
todays value of property 2mil and droping
K mate i kno what im going to say will seem extremely basic n blunt,
but i hope you have seen from my results so far in trading that i am extremely skilled at applying simple logic to scenarios and making them sucessfull as a result.
The basic maths is your currently making £2,500 per month, paying out £10,000,
so your losing £7,500 per month every month.
So you will need to be making £7,500 per month pure profit, every month, month after month just to break even.
And all this time you have that property worth £2million sitting there going down in value!
So here is the 1 and only simple logic answer to solve this problem and save you from going bankrupt!
Tomorrow go to your estate agent and put all those properties up for sale for 1.9million or 1.8 or the most you can sell them for.
Just sell them off and get the cash, and clear your bank debt completely.
Then you may only have £20,000 left even, but thats £18,000 more than me mate, and enough to start proper decent career trading off.