spanish89's Daily Trading Journal!! Whooooo ;)

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I also have made a longterm investment in the ftse...,
wasnt really focusing so got in at the peak. 😀😀

But am looking for 5800 next week, and then lets just see how things go from there.. 😉

Am at £2 point so will be a nice little profit, an have whacked on a nice 750points stoploss just t be safe n make sure i dont have to worry about getting stopped out. 😉

though if you did you would be £1500 down. 👍 so if i recall correctly, you are risking about 50% of your account ?
It is £s as I live in the north,
What I need out of trading is a living That each week / year improves,
and I can do a deal with the bank to keep one house to live in and make £1 ,£10 , what ever
cause every day I am losing 1.5 mil + at 7% out of the ulster bank (RBS) and other liers loans close on 10k per month down.
If I knew that I could make £100 a day I would hand them the keys tomorrow as all property would stack up to 2mill if thing would stand still .
I can see where sp comes from I wish i could trade onions cause i know F all about them like oil when i first traded It .
SP that not to say you wrong cause I dont know if there is a right or wrong in this game.
What i do know that 1 trade is 1 to many and 1000 is not enough and to be at this as long as some of you guys are , you must be doing something right and i need to know it . After the ride i have had i fells great to put 50p to £1 per pip it like money again.
(I think me and oil or finished)
Who long on the $
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What you guys should do is all get together and help this poor dog (Doberman) or i give yous the money to trade.
No traders here who can actually make reasonable amounts of money could take yours I'm afraid.

I will be frank: if you need the money your only hope is immense risk. Thought about buying a few hundred thousand euromillions lucky dips?
Um what exactly are you trying to say doberman..??

Cos i understand some of it..., but your losing 2million everyday through your bank and property?? :-0😕:|

And making the money i am making as a% of my account size isnt high enough % and you want to be able to make more than this even??! 😕:|:-0:-0
You know what these two remind me of?

That's friggin hilarious, Mr Gecko!

You know im rooting for ya, Spanish, but that was just comedy gold!
Um what exactly are you trying to say doberman..??

Cos i understand some of it..., but your losing 2million everyday through your bank and property?? :-0😕:|

I owe the banks over 1.5 mil,
payments 10k per month,
income from rent £2500,
todays value of property 2mil and droping
In some parts of the world doberman, an IVA is regarded as aggressive tax management. If you are going to go pop, do it this way, and go down like a french figherpilot.

your expectations of making enough money to support yourself from trading (or to bail out your losses on property) in such a short time are TOTALLY UNREALISTIC

It's not going to happen.

Don't bury your head in the sand - you need to face your financial problems now and deal with them. Go seek professional help.

Making a living from trading isn't going to happen. Especially if you have an agenda. You will just make your situation worse.

This is the best advice anyone here can give you.
Um what exactly are you trying to say doberman..??
Cos i understand some of it..., but your losing 2million everyday through your bank and property?? :-0😕:|

I owe the banks over 1.5 mil,
payments 10k per month,
income from rent £2500,
todays value of property 2mil and droping

K mate i kno what im going to say will seem extremely basic n blunt,
but i hope you have seen from my results so far in trading that i am extremely skilled at applying simple logic to scenarios and making them sucessfull as a result

The basic maths is your currently making £2,500 per month, paying out £10,000,
so your losing £7,500 per month every month.

So you will need to be making £7,500 per month pure profit, every month, month after month just to break even.

And all this time you have that property worth £2million sitting there going down in value!

So here is the 1 and only simple logic answer to solve this problem and save you from going bankrupt!

Tomorrow go to your estate agent and put all those properties up for sale for 1.9million or 1.8 or the most you can sell them for.
Just sell them off and get the cash, and clear your bank debt completely.

Then you may only have £20,000 left even, but thats £18,000 more than me mate, and enough to start proper decent career trading off.
I do not expect to pay my det or service my loans through trading
What i want to do is learn to trade to make a living , in a few months time if this property market does not pick up i will be getting a easyjet out to wee place in the czech republic and want to make a living so as i can live happy and afford to come home for a few beers with my buddies when i am home sick.
plus give tips to sp89 sp 90 sp 341 the word is on the street there all coming here to T2W
who thinks oil is a buy at 136.62 for the mornning
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I do not expect to pay my det or service my loans through trading
What i want to do is learn to trade to make a living , in a few months time if this property market does not pick up i will be getting a easyjet out to wee place in the czech republic and want to make a living so as i can live happy and afford to come home for a few beers with my buddies when i am home sick.
plus give tips to sp89 sp 90 sp 341 the word is on the street there all coming here to T2W
who thinks oil is a buy at 136.62 for the mornning


Ive got a better idea mate..

Currently your losing £7,500 per month, every month by just donating it to the bank!! 😆:!:😆

So if you wait 6months more, see the housing market even worse and so you can only sell your property for 1.5million then, you have not only lost £500,000,
but will also have lost an extra £45,000 in monthlly bank donations.

So instead of giving that £45,000 to the nak to never see it again, why not give it to me and have me trade for you mate and make you profits on it instead?? :cheesy:
Oh and btw oil is at an incredibly powerful level at the moment, so it could very easily move up or down, but whichever way it does it will be big!!

I personally think down tomorrow through the support becuase of the weak dow and and lack of consumer spending going on.

Not going to gamble on it though.
HI sp89
the thing is i am not giving the bank any payments the interest is rowing on
when i say the property is worth 2mil that if you can get a buyer , and even so if the buyer can get the loan cause most of my property is land with planning and builders do not want to build and banks dont want to lend to builders and most builders are up to their neck in it .
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