

Experienced member
So I was trying to think to myself what I should post for my 777th post.

As I checked a thread I post in now and again over in the US Indices forum I saw a new post and checked it out!

Turned out it was nothing more than some horible stinky spam.🙁

The good news is the mods had their way with that post quickly and over the last year or so it looks like T2W has been cleaned up quite a bit so to the mods who deal with it every day I dedicate this ode to you...

Spam in the place where I live (ham and pork)

If you're running low, go to the store
carry some money to help you buy more
the tab is there to open the can
the can is there to hold in the spam

Oh, spam on the table at home (ham and pork)

If you need a spoon, keep one around
Carry a thermose to help wash it down
Now, if there's some left, don't just throw it out
Use it for spackle or bathroom grout, now

Spam in my pantry at home (have some more)

Now, once you start in, you can't put it down
Don't leave it sitting or it'll turn brown
The key is going to open the tin
The tin is there to keep the spam in

Spam in the place where I live (have some more)
Think about addiction, wonder if I'm a junkie now (let's eat)
Spam in the place where I work (you're obsessed)
Think about the way it's processed, wonder if it's some kind of meat

Thanks guys for keeping this place clean!👍 (er):cheesy:
Oh by the way I know this "ode" has nothing to do with the spam you guys work with!
I just like the way it rolls off the old lips.
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Thank you hwsteele, I'm sure I can say that on behalf of all the mods.

Nice to hear that our efforts our appreciated.👍
Who ever banned pssonice THANK YOU!

P.S. is it a three day thing or for good?
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