approve/moderate first few posts by new users?

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The reason Rambo McQueen has not arrived yet is because he is digesting my distraction I throw-ed him to delay his arrival here

Rambo's probably a married guy for 20 years who has forgotten what its like to have fresh/new p****y ......................


Commitment or new p***y
hahahahahahahahaha, Rambo is still searching the rule book to see what rule I've violated in that post here below, he's scratching his head in consternation 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


God, this place is dead, dead, dead ........... only 2 guys online. Man its like this every damn day! In my mornings its your Prime time and there's rarely more than 20 cats online.

Hello! Wake up guys! Have you fallen and can't get up?

But here's the thing about T333. This one thing erases any negatives with ease and aplomb

Tens or maybe hundreds or maybe thousands of thousands (they call 'em millions) bushwhacked T333 demanding a permanent ban, not a temp. ban and insisting on their wrath if he did not comply.

T333 held his position and gave me a temp. ban Pissed 'em all off to no end no doubt

Then on one of the bans he reduced the 21 days ban to 3 days and shocked the sh*t out of me

that be T333.

Gotta love this guy. what can I say?


Read quote first ................................

Trader333 has named himself 333 - its no accident, its the hand of the Supernatural. Otherwise, along the same lines he'd have called himself Trader666. "666" is the sign and signature of the DEVIL. The SPX bottomed at 666 in March 2009, the bottom of the BEAR market.

Why mention this? Becasue I forgot to mention this for any assholes who might want to complain about trader333 in the future. A while back in November, Rambo was chasing me around desperately wanting to nail me to the cross. I was messing with him and called counter-violent ...................... c*****-violent but Rambo missed it. so I sent him a PM to joke with him. He went berserk and put the pressure on T333 to ban me.

T333 said to me, "I tried to help you but now you go and do stuff like this with the C-word and I am forced to ban you"
Now I already mentioned that once you get banned there is no way to get in touch with the moderators and zero way to get any sort of message thru'. this really bothered me a lot. I am not an ungrateful fella. I had to get the message to Trader333 that I knew he tried to help me but that I was the f**up and screwed up badly. I just wanted him to know that.

When I came back on that was the very first thing I shot in PM to him that I appreciated his help all along and it was never his fault.

Therefore the name Trader333 is actually not even related to the Devil "666" even though its a 50% retracement - 50% is NOT a fibonacci number.

Trader333 is a cop who if in Los Angeles as a superintendent , all crimes against downtrodden people would cease.

that's my word of Life about Trader333.

And it has zip to do with leniency. He is already oiling his gun to send me off again.
Now I already mentioned that once you get banned there is no way to get in touch with the moderators and zero way to get any sort of message thru'. this really bothered me a lot. I am not an ungrateful fella. I had to get the message to Trader333 that I knew he tried to help me but that I was the f**up and screwed up badly. I just wanted him to know that.

When I came back on that was the very first thing I shot in PM to him that I appreciated his help all along and it was never his fault.

Therefore the name Trader333 is actually not even related to the Devil "666" even though its a 50% retracement - 50% is NOT a fibonacci number.

Trader333 is a cop who if in Los Angeles as a superintendent , all crimes against downtrodden people would cease.

that's my word of Life about Trader333.

And it has zip to do with leniency. He is already oiling his gun to send me off again.

You wait till Sharky gets here....U is in big big trouble girl. Can't go round telling the members how to get in the back door ffs, they will all want a piece of the action.
You wait till Sharky gets here....U is in big big trouble girl. Can't go round telling the members how to get in the back door ffs, they will all want a piece of the action.

Hardly! The key was not mentioned in the post. I'm not that naive. Without the key nobody can enter. Only I have it - as far as I know. I have the backdoor entrance for ET too. But again only I have it. And it will not be given to anybody. So nothing t worry about.
8:32 PM Tuesday evening ............... only 1 member online and he's American

gotta invite truckloads of hookers or post signs like sales companies are doing at the US-Mexico border for recruitment for jobs. Here it would looking for posters
I knew when this article was being put together that it would get the reaction it did and from the same people who always have strong views on anything on this site. However, there is sufficient interest and especially from US traders in the subject of trading and religion to warrant it being published and that is why it has been. To not publish it just because there are a number of strong anti-religious views would be giving way to a form of censorship.


Re: Trader333


Message sent by Big Joe to God just in case that post was missed. In a place where there is almost unanimous anti God, this one person who left the door open for us will not be forgotten or overlooked. Its significant.

Your messages are sometimes tricky to understand, Father, but I do now, on this particular subject.
Prime US market hours ..............

only 11 T2W members online (not counting Fib and mods)

only 2 in TRADING

Therefore 80% of members in ChitChat during US peak trading hours .......

repeat observation over 30 days for graph or chart would be advisable for Trend study - one day is not enough

but it looks bad guys, whenever I've taken a quick look at the stats ............. terrible terrible

You guys are gong to disappear up your own AHs.

Wake up!!!

From the mouth of one of the core 30 ............. now dig this, it is super bad if anyone of the core 30 says sh*t like this ................. these are true believers and if even murder was committed they would not turn the person in - its that bad. So when something like what Trendie is saying is said, it parabolic already becaue the TREND was already in force for a long time before the utterance of this core 30 cat

Been with T2W many years, off and on.
It used to be a bit of a bustling place, lots of great ideas, people, huge volume of activity.
Seems to have died down over past couple of years.

Boom! Trendie drops the hammer! Yikes!

But, its mostly become a bit of a backwater. Am I missing something?
Are all the cool kids hanging out elsewhere?
Trendie not only drops the hammer, this time he shoots in the Kidney = pain, pain, pain no way out except suicide = anything but this pain that's unbearable

Most of the threads are mostly political threads. Nothing wrong with that. I like a good bit of meaty banter, as background chatter.
Some long-standing trade-focussed threads: NVP, FTSE Futures thread, Point and Figure (I like that one, but not entirely sure about its intention. Again, thats me, not them) Delta thread is being maintained mostly, but less and less.

(1) TRADING venue is in minority, poitics takes top tier,

(2) Point and Figure thread is garbage = Kindergarten = video games = send to video arcade. All 3 trading threads are put down

DEATH is imminent and if we are on the cusp of a major BEAR market, expect things to get a whole lot worse as all Hell breaks loose in a BEAR by definition.

Wake up, dummies!

see Baron's post at end of 2nd link

Big sh*t going to go down this year. Those who want to see Big Joe help ET owner, Baron in Court, stay tuned. Yeah baby, it means HELP. THEY are going after him again. ET's best Options trader EVER, destriero is buggering off.
Son of a gun is bloody slow today. Must be still doing his taxes 🙂
6:12 AM London time ............... 5 members

As oasis would be nice
Hey amigos please go here and cast your vote to ban me for Life. The thread, like any thread that involves me is already blown past so many others in views and its not even 24 hours. Come on guys bump it up, show me how bad a person I really am. Just a mere 7 votes is not going to cut the mustard. 🙂😎

Dig this: Never before in History has the accused been barred from defending himself in a kangaroo court. Imagine that!! My posting priveleges have been cut to the thread whose subject matter is MY Banishment. Who ever heard of such a thing? Where's the justice? Heck I could not even make one post in there.

Now they are waiting for anybody to come forward to my defense, hahahahahahahaha ......... in the UK? Imagine how preposterous that notion is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too much fun. man is life going to be boring after this!!!!!!!!!

Love you guys

