Sound Card Problem


Established member
Hello Folks,

Ive just installed a new hard drive after my old one went crazy so i now use that as a slave drive. Anyway ive loaded XP Pro onto my new drive and it isnt picking up the on board sound card. It seems i have card on board but when i look for the drivers on the internet it doesnt seem to locate any for my card. Can anybody point me in the right direction. Ive already looked on the Intel site which my MB is and i cant find anything on there. I assumed that XP Pro would load up the new drivers for me.

Any help is appreciated...
How do you mean, it's not picking it up? Is the sound device detected in Device Manager (Start --> Control Panel --> System --> Hardware (tab) --> Device Manager) Are there any yellow exclamation marks there?
Hello Matt,

Yes there are yellow excalamtion marks there. Does that signify the problem.

No, but what that means is that it knows the sound card is there as I suspected, but it can't find the driver for it; this isn't unusual on an XP installation, the disc doesn't carry that many drivers.

A few options:

1. If you have the original discs that came with the PC, you will most likely need the motherboard installation disc (assuming the sound is on-board).

2. Assuming the sound is on-board (most likely scenario) then finding the driver should be a breeze. Go to the website of the PC manufacturer, and there will be a 'support' section for downloads etc. PC model number/Serial number should enable you to identify what you're looking for.

3. If the sound is not on board (you may need to open the case to check this; if the lead for the speakers goes into a light green socket that is high up on the back of the case, chances are it's on board. If it goes into one of the PCI slots at the bottom of the case, it's not on board), then you'll have to open the case and may need to unscrew the sound card (1 x phillips head screw and the card simply pulls out - earth yourself by touching the metal case of the PC before touching any components), and find some identifying number on it - throw that into Google and look for the driver)

If you have a custom or no-name PC then you'll need to find the manufacturer and model number of the motherboard, go to the board manufacturer website and find it that way. Name and model number are usually stamped fairly prominently on the motherboard, either between the CPU and the RAM slots, or between the CPU and the graphics card.
Thanks again Matt for the help, I will try looking on the MB site for the appropriate download as the sound card is an OB version.