So who has the most trading knowledge?

Thats spot on GJ.

Finding your own style is the key to sucess if you are trading on your own. The people who drop out of trading after 2 years (80%+) have probobly stopped looking or think that it is impossible or not for them.

Best part is, when you have found your style, there is no mistaking it.
Faris, if you are successfully able to spot dips and rallies, why not write a 3-5 page document that includes:
  • your definition/description of a dip
  • your definition/description of a rally
  • some graphic examples to help with pattern recognition
Then let your friend study that and see if it helps.

If your friend finds it useful, perhaps you'd post it for us to see too..? 😈

I think a lot of new traders just get overwhelmed trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. A short document from you and a simulated account might get your friend started in the right direction.
