So, what you're really sayin' is

Hi David,
No, no coincidence at all. Not even a comparison. Hancock is no sociopath, just a politician out of his depth that's trying to do what he believes to be the right thing and getting it wrong. Many have fallen into this category in the past (both on the left and on the right) and, doubtless, many more will do so in the future. And, given the extraordinary circumstances in which we are all in, I have some sympathy with him. If he fails on his 100,000 promise, he'll be guilty of the basic schoolboy error of over promising and under delivering - which I suspect will cost him his job. That makes him politically naive - nothing more - and certainly not some evil tyrant as you'd have us all believe. He's a not a bad man and to make a comparison between him and leaders of the German Nazi Party is completely ridiculous.

Seriously David - get a grip - pretty please!

'Seriously David - get a grip - pretty please!'

Sorry Tim, much as I like you, but NO.

In fact, I'm going to double down and then some.

In, the meantime, since my reply will include him, do you consider Tony Blair to be a sociopath..

..or did he just make a few Tory left wing, 'basic schoolboy error(s)'?

You needn't bother reading my reply, I'm planning to 'prattle on' for quite a bit.

Maybe just look at the pictures.

I'll see if I can find some with 'irony' in them

Shouldn't be too difficult 😉
. . .In, the meantime, since my reply will include him, do you consider Tony Blair to be a sociopath..

..or did he just make a few Tory left wing, 'basic schoolboy error(s)'? . . .
Hi David,
No, Tony Blair is altogether different. He should be on trial at The Hague for war crimes. Surely you agree that Matt Hancock's failure to achieve a target of 100,000 Covid 19 tests per day isn't even on the same planet - let alone ball park - as Blair taking us into an illegal war with Iraq.
Hi David,
No, Tony Blair is altogether different. He should be on trial at The Hague for war crimes. Surely you agree that Matt Hancock's failure to achieve a target of 100,000 Covid 19 tests per day isn't even on the same planet - let alone ball park - as Blair taking us into an illegal war with Iraq.

I covered this here
Microsoft Patent 060606 - Body interfaced digital currency

patent details reg 26th March 2020:

"Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified."

more damning evidence of pre-planning

'your rights are suspended'

And unlike LIES, which change day by day

the truth doesn't keep changing

Instead, more and more detail will emerge

on what happened here

as more people who have knowledge come forward

Would be quite something if some major players in the global cabal were taken out under Trump

The man who said he would drain the swamp

Problem with trump is, he changes his mind constantly
And unlike LIES, which change day by day

the truth doesn't keep changing

Instead, more and more detail will emerge

on what happened here

as more people who have knowledge come forward

Would be quite something if some major players in the global cabal were taken out under Trump

The man who said he would drain the swamp

Problem with trump is, he changes his mind constantly

I've been following the Whitehouse press briefings for weeks now.
Trump and his obvious mannerism and style defects mask a bloke who is clearly interested in truth. There have been tensions and dismissive looks from both sides of the exchanges, but it has to be said that Trump knows that Fauci is dodgy as hell.
Ask yourselves a question. If you needed treatment, would you be happy with Fauci as your doctor?
I wouldn't.
Any number of vids out there worth watching. Draw your own conclusions.

I've been following the Whitehouse press briefings for weeks now.
Trump and his obvious mannerism and style defects mask a bloke who is clearly interested in truth. There have been tensions and dismissive looks from both sides of the exchanges, but it has to be said that Trump knows that Fauci is dodgy as hell.
Ask yourselves a question. If you needed treatment, would you be happy with Fauci as your doctor?
I wouldn't.
Any number of vids out there worth watching. Draw your own conclusions.

“If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
Don't let the teacher tell you to sit back down

School's out

We still have freedom of speech

Enjoy it while it lasts

Boris stood for leader when he was told to

And stood down when he was told to

Boris is the traitor who wanted to sign Theresa May's deal

A deal written for her by the EU, who she grovelled for

A deal he said would make the UK a vassal state

Nobody even voted for a deal

Boris caught a cold when he was told to

And went to ICU when he was told to

And recovered when he was needed

Notice how every Tory leader since Thatcher has been a weak order taker and a traitor.

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Stay in

Put a cardboard box on your head

Let us do the propaganda/ social engineering thing

just like the good old days

Jimmy Saville won't be appearing

Because the disgusting protected pedo necrophiliac friend of Prince Charles is dead now

and no longer works for the BBC, who still are not held to account

The 1400, exclusively white, Rotherham, rape victims won't be watching either because

they know- that Children in Need never did, and won't ever help the 1000's of current muslim rape victims all across the UK

and neither will the police and here is why

They know- that the BBC would rather silence Tommy Robinson than offend the 'moderate muslims' who are upset that they will be tarred with the same brush

They know- that the BBC wants TR to keep going to jail until he stops shining a light on the truth

They know- that the government would rather jail people illegally rather than release reports that the public demand to see

Because , they say, it is not in the public's interest.

Just sit there under house arrest, while the country goes bankrupt

waiting for further instructions from the proven liars, psycopaths and discredited experts

who our low IQ, pencil necks in the government are told to exclusively listen to

until we tell you when the forced vaccinations are starting in your area

In the meantime, please report any traitors here
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I think she must have edited out:

Event 201

The criminals behind it

Fauci/Gates/others who will gain billions

The track record of 'pandemics' that never were

The discredited experts - now in charge of testing- who better. right? just check their mission statement
Those 3 million dead cows will be nothing compared to the human cost coming. Who better to give your £22.5 million to?

Rushed out vaccines- why bother worrying what's in it, they're always full of goodness, right?

The redifined definition of a pandemic


Flu symptoms only

low seasonal figures

Sweden - no lockdown, low number of cases

Gerrymandered deaths majority old/underlying health issues


Mandatory vaccine / tracking/ surveillence/ more lockdowns anytime they decide, is stated policy

Empty hospitals

Dancing medical staff

2012 olympic ceremony predictive programming

Fake celebrity illness

Fake politician illness

Fake politician empathy

Fake prince illness

Face masks and PPE for 10k people spraying buildings

Face masks and PPE for actors posing as medical staff in hospitals

But no masks for the people 'working' in empty hospitals

Not enough testing kits for something that tests positive Monday negative Tuesday and positive Wednesday- but why would that matter at all?

No cure for the common cold

No proof vaccines prevent flu, but lots of proof they damage and kill people.

Alternative medical opinion Ignored- response making things worse and is not justifiable

Alternative opinion hounded out of profession/lives destroyed/ killed routinely and for decades

By the people who destroyed Cancer cures and the people who discovered them

More deaths will be caused by lockdown than by flu

Massive economic destruction

But facts don't matter

None of that matters :

Naomi Brockwell
Naomi Brockwell
1 week ago

" I'm sure the health care workers who are piling up dead bodies right now don't agree with you."

But apart from that, I guess the handwringing and pointless pontificating of what new normal should/shouldn't be was about par for the course for gatekeepers who have absolutely nothing to say.

And all you are going to ever get

Apart from

Peter Hitchens James Corbett and this guy and jon rappaport and 1 or 2 others

Of course, there's 7 billion people on the planet who could just not co-operate

But, Everybody in the street clapping NHS right now

So I guess not
Here we go:
Why a second coronavirus wave is on the horizon, and what that means for the UK's exit strategy

Exactly as scripted in event 201

Nothing to do with a real virus

Empty hospitals -simple fact

You are being treated like an idiot

Because you are complying

And anyone who sees through the bullshit

will be attacked personally

because facts don't matter

and 'wrongthink' is not tolerated

when there is an agenda

And there is always an agenda

Not only must you not disagree

you must- agree

you must- be seen to agree

you must- sing from the hymn sheet

you must- clap in the clapping ritual

You must- be force vaccinated on a pack of lies

Remember, this is what our fathers fought the Nazis for isn't it?

To be put under house arrest and forcibly vaccinated because ugly imbecile pencil necks like Bill Gates and Matt Hancock say so

Many of you probably looked at China and Germany and Russia and said "it could never happen here"

It is happening here- with your 'implied consent'

Like I said, 2 miniutes 2 midnight what are you going to do about it?

Now we know what is demanded

What we, the 'wrongthinkers' want to know is

What is the penalty for non compliance?

Time is near for spelling out the consequences for failing to surrender to tyranny
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It must be really terrible for you living at two minutes to midnight, disbelieving absolutely everything (except what suits your agenda of course) and totally powerless to do anything about turning your own doomsday clock back by even a second. Ah, hang on though, I’ve suddenly twigged, it’s you perpetrating the hoax! Nice one, David, very amusing.
Maybe they are discussion points?

A lot of material here for a conspiracy website business.
Maybe they are discussion points?

A lot of material here for a conspiracy website business.

There's no conspiracy website business in China

There's compliance or starvation.

We are going to find out the real meaning of globalism if we don't push this back
Hi Fake pandemic here

I just wanted to give you an update on how the hoax is going from my end

it’s going like this


I don’t know what’s wrong to be honest

Ten years in the planning

By the best psychopathic minds in the business

bought and paid for CDC, WHO, IMPERIAL COLLEGE and insiders

shilling full speed ahead

Terrified wannabe whistle blowers

Clueless politicians

Army of useful idiots in uniforms and hazmat suits

silenced, non paid for experts

Gerrymandered death toll

still hasn’t convinced you that this flu

is more scary than normal flu

which kills more people than covid 19 every year

I’m beginning to think that we really will have to get the army on the streets

to beat some 2+2=5 sense into you

These are the current symptoms of coronavirus

1- flu symptom

2- flu symptom

3- pneumonia

4- flu symptom

5- flu symptom

6- flu symptom

7- flu symptom

8- flu symptom

9- flu symptom

However, I reserve the right to introduce new bogus symptoms that I will be adding to this list to try and scare those wandering out of their houses back into subservience.

Also you can expect past order takers like Theresa May, to be taken out of the toy box

dusted down and to start singing from the hymn sheet

like some grotesque spitting image puppets

Probably catching the virus themselves in order to lend credibility to the cover story

Following in the footsteps of Merkel/Macron/Johnson/Madonna/Barnier/Prince Charles and many other fakers

You can also look forward to the dillweeds with cognitive dissonance doubling down their efforts to have you jailed or shot for disagreeing with them and possibly giving them the flu

Don’t worry, they will get round to resisting tyranny if the tyranny starts walking it back leaving the dangerous stuff to those too stupid to appreciate my soon to be increasing fake powers

What’s new?

Hi Fake pandemic here

I just wanted to give you an update on how the hoax is going from my end

it’s going like this


I don’t know what’s wrong to be honest

Ten years in the planning

By the best psychopathic minds in the business

bought and paid for CDC, WHO, IMPERIAL COLLEGE and insiders

shilling full speed ahead

Terrified wannabe whistle blowers

Clueless politicians

Army of useful idiots in uniforms and hazmat suits

silenced, non paid for experts

Gerrymandered death toll

still hasn’t convinced you that this flu

is more scary than normal flu

which kills more people than covid 19 every year

I’m beginning to think that we really will have to get the army on the streets

to beat some 2+2=5 sense into you

These are the current symptoms of coronavirus

1- flu symptom

2- flu symptom

3- pneumonia

4- flu symptom

5- flu symptom

6- flu symptom

7- flu symptom

8- flu symptom

9- flu symptom

However, I reserve the right to introduce new bogus symptoms that I will be adding to this list to try and scare those wandering out of their houses back into subservience.

Also you can expect past order takers like Theresa May, to be taken out of the toy box

dusted down and to start singing from the hymn sheet

like some grotesque spitting image puppets

Probably catching the virus themselves in order to lend credibility to the cover story

Following in the footsteps of Merkel/Macron/Johnson/Madonna/Barnier/Prince Charles and many other fakers

You can also look forward to the dillweeds with cognitive dissonance doubling down their efforts to have you jailed or shot for disagreeing with them and possibly giving them the flu

Don’t worry, they will get round to resisting tyranny if the tyranny starts walking it back leaving the dangerous stuff to those too stupid to appreciate my soon to be increasing fake powers

What’s new?

UK deployed army on the streets this weekend, to setup 'pop up testing stations'.

I am going to take the word 'pop-up' to mean 'snap ambush,' and 'testing station' to mean 'command post' when in the context of the military.

No need to spin it when it's plain and clear.
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