"in white world you ll inevitably have it "
What do you mean?
"...Tyrrany is a habit;it is able to, and does finally develop into a disease. That habit may coarsen and stupefy the very best of man to the level of brutes. Blood and power make a man drunk: callous coarseness and depravity develop ; the most abnormal phenomena become accessible, and in the end pleasurable to the mind and the senses. The human being and the citizen perish forever in the tyrant, and a return to human dignity, to repentance, to reeneration becomes practically impossible for him.
What is more,
😴 the example, the possibility of such intransigence have a contagious effect upon the what society: such power is temptation. Asociety which can look upon such a phenomena with indifference is already contaminated to its foundations. Ordinary exectutioners are shunned by polite society, but
gentleman executioners are far from being so. Every manufacturer, every employer cannot help sometimes feeling a certain irritable satisfaction at the thought that his employees and their families are exclusively dependant on him. This is certainly the case, not so swiftly does a generation tear itself away from that which
heredity has implanted in it;not so swiflty does a man renounce that which has entered his bloodstream, that which he has, in a sense, received in his mother`s milk..."
No wonder the conman is mostly appreciated in societies which agitate the cunning ways. With the less gifted attempts considered to be creepy.