Another good thing about trading FI or Index futures (and maybe energy but I don't know much beyond 321 spread) is that there is much more "real" information out there.
Like, if you were looking at Eurostoxx say, you could also look at Dax and FTSE; and so when Eurostoxx is making new highs, you can look at the others and think "is this because of something in the eurostoxx specifically, or is this broad risk appetite (like what is DAX and FTSE doing? what are the spreads doing?) that can help you make informed decisions about the appropriate trades to be taking.
One thing I think is that you should pick one asset class and stick to it. Alot of traders on forums always want to be trading the flavour of the week because that it what the talking heads on CNBC are doing. Well talking heads are paid for talking about the latest and greatest thing in the market and traders are paid for trading DUH!
really learn one market and learn how to trade it when FA is happening and learn how to trade it when the sh!t hits the fan, it's better that way. When something really interesting happens it will have an effect on your market anyway.
OH and DONT trade one market off another.