Sorry to pull your leg Kent 🙂
The markets are still in a bad mood, not cooperating at all.
At the moment, yet another Cable deal that went into profit is busy giving it back.
I've not liked the look of any of the sniper deals and so have kept out. I've actually only done one real money trade this week (not sniper related).
Sometimes the most sensible course of action is to stay out!
I just hope that this run of not so good results haven't put people off. The silence in this thread is deafening at the moment.
I know that there are a fair amount of people here who are new to trading and they may be losing heart.
I'm relatively new to Forex myself, but have a lot of experience (including bad experiences) with trading shares. These stagnant periods are a fact of life. You can't have winner after winner, there will always be losing runs.
The trend is your friend, but sometimes it can be a bit stroppy. Even best mates let you down sometimes 🙂
Anyone who is new to trading, listen well.
If you keep changing your strategy - you will lose
Study and learn about a few indicators and think that you know enough - you will lose
Panic and close trades early (winners or losers) you will lose.
A good strategy will win in the end.
A good strategy means having more winners than losers over a year, not over a week.
You actually have next to no hope of forming your own strategies, it takes years to perfect.
If you want a good strategy, then you have to buy tutorials from people who have been successful for decades, they know what they are talking about. Or you need a paid for system that works.
Sniper does appear to be a good system for getting you in the trend, as long as there is a trend to get into. I'm sure that over the course of a year it will give you trades that will profit 500 or 1000 pips. Maybe only 2 or 3 times a year, but that's enough isn't it?
I actually think that taking into consideration the way the market is behaving, that sniper has coped pretty well this month.