Hello GumRai,
I've just been updating my records. It works out the same as I posted a few weeks ago – there's no difference! It's purely a psychological issue. There's quite a few trades where large gains disappear. So it feels good to close with 75 pts on a trade which would otherwise end up losing or breaking even. On the other hand a TP trade misses out on some of the big gains possible from Sniper (e.g. 374, 270, 470, 240, 187 and 195 pts).
Since 14 April, with 122 trades (101 days), letting each trade run its course, has resulted in an average of 23 pts a day/19 pts per trade. I haven't been noting all TP75 trades – my post this morning is all can show. (Also, I have only been using the 2 trade system for about 2-3 months.). What I have done is enter into a spreadsheet the maximum number of pts that could have been gained with each trade. It works out that with TP75, the average no of pts per day shows a gain of 23 pts a day (the same as the gain letting each trade run its course). TP95 shows 24 pts per day. The best result is TP 135 – 30pts per day. I'm not sure that I would be at ease putting in a TP at 135. Also, as I've stressed before, I need to question how statistically significant a list of 122 trades is. And, we no doubt enter at slightly different levels. So this shouldn't be seen as particularly exacting.
Now here's some completely useless information – the spreadsheet shows that IF it were possible to have taken the maximum no of pts possible per trade, it would mean an av per day of 136 pts, or 113 pts per trade!!! If only!