Sniper Forex System

Are you two system groupies or something, U seem to be jumping on to the 'next best thing' as soon as you hear about it. learn one system inside out and then trade it. All systems have good and bad trades and experience will teach you how to handle each trade. With regard to shark can you really live with a system where you need 4 winning trades just to break even on the one loser?
The 3 ducks has helped me determine the likely direction of the market and I have been studying NB strategy for a few days. Both are different systems, and basically straightforward. No holy grail yet, just hard work and a lot of reading. Did you ever pursue FX53? This was a system that did actually look quite good, but at the price with no trial and no guarantee, not worth a punt to find out.

Hi Wil,

I have not bought FX53, but certainly would have done if it had been cheaper. I may yet do so. Interestingly however, by studying the FX53 monthly performance videos, I began to get a different take on trading methods. So what I did was try to use Sniper arrows as if they were FX53 arrows. Just fiddled really, and didn't do any serious trial, because I then went on to think that instead of using Snioper arrows (or indeed FX53 arrows), I might use fractals instead. And this is what is looking very promising. In pursuit of this I googled "fractal trading" or something, and came across an excerpt from a book on technical trading systems by Bill Williams, called Trading Chaos: Maximize Profits with Proven Technical Techniques. The excerpt was about using fractals in combination with the Alligator indicator. In fact he describes exactly my idea, but enhances it with an Alligator filter. I have ordered the book from Aphrohead through Amazon, and await it eagerly!! Meantime I have looked at the simple fractals system on various things, forex, oil, gold etc, and it looks good. I have got too much on at the moment to settle in to serious development, but in a month or so should be freer to concentrate.

Highly conscious still, that there are a million systems out there, and bad psychology could screw every single one!! Can one EVER get the correct mindset, if a bad one is so deeply ingrained? I do think though, that once one gets confidence in a system, many of the psych issues evaporate. The hardest thing technically is the trade exit. I always stay in too long and let profits disappear again, or cut losses before reaching my very intelligent stop loss.

So confidence, with one system or another, rather than perfection, must be the goal.
Sniper Forex Indicators

Do any of you have any idea where Sniper Trends A and B get their info from? I would feel much better trading the system if I knew this.


Can someone tell me how to download a statement on my past trades on MT4?

On menu click View then Terminal, Click on Account History tab of terminal (near bottom of screen). You may need to expand the window. Right click anywhere on the History window and select Save as Report.
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Exploring Systems and Ideas

Are you two system groupies or something, U seem to be jumping on to the 'next best thing' as soon as you hear about it. learn one system inside out and then trade it. All systems have good and bad trades and experience will teach you how to handle each trade. With regard to shark can you really live with a system where you need 4 winning trades just to break even on the one loser?


So, you are advocating what? That people arbitrarily trade just any system? Or your own perhaps? This thread is about people trying to find a system that works for them as individual traders. Surely, by now, we know that what suits one person may well be absolutely hopeless for someone else. So what the heck is wrong with exploring systems and ideas? It's nothing to do with the next best thing, simply another idea.

As for Shark, it is a totally different way of trading. For a start it is a robot, and if it works it could be great to just have the money accumulating with no effort. It may not work, but it may. If I don't try it, I'll never know. So far my papertrading does not look too encouraging, but it is very early days. The adverse risk reward ratio is certainly against my own instinct, and personally I could not trade it manually. But there are many ways of trading which some people can work, but I cannot. What is wrong with trying a different approach, especially if it is only papertrading?

If you yourself have truly arrived as a trader, good on you. You must have trodden a difficult path to get there, or you are one of the great naturals. Some of us are still on that path, and each person, just as in life, has to go their own way, not yours. May we not share ideas?

I did not start this thread, but it was me exploring ideas, and Sniper in particular, that got the discussion going on another thread, and the result was that someone thought it was worth starting this thread. So maybe you are only using Sniper as a consequence of my intitiative in the first place. I don't know.

Gary Pavkovich also markets a system called "Forex Trend System", and tells me that it stays in the trend longer than Sniper. It looks more straightforward to trade than Sniper, but so far I haven't trialled it. I am going off trend trading systems, because they make you chase the market, and give rather fuzzy entries and exits, which I find stressful frankly. I prefer to let the market come to me by setting precise stops and limits, and Sniper is not suited to that type of trading.

Hope you understand.

sorry did not mean to offend, just making a point in jest. The general consencus is that whilst many systems are profitable traders lack the discipline to follow through and stick with it.

This is the reason creating your own set up is advised as then you should have the conviction to stick with it because you have confidence in your back and forward testing.

I'm not saying trade sniper the sniper way but if you have paid for it and have used it for some time then why not build your system around it rather then just moving on.

At the end of the day all we are trying to do is catch a piece of the trend in our chosen time frame reasons for entry and exit vary from one trader to another but thats basicly we all just want price to continue in the direction of our trade untill it hits our target or starts to run out of steam.

Remember there is noooo holy grail and if there was you certainly would not be able to pick it up for a few hundred quid.
Ok, I have now bought this system and will be demo trading it until I can triple the demo account using just 1 contract. I will only be trading Eur/Usd and will only be trading in the evenings and on my days off so about once a week most likely. I will post charts and show how i plan to trade sniper.

I am going to have it running on the daily, 4h 1h and 15mins charts. I will take my trades off of the 15mins charts but will use the other charts for confirmation of the trade.

I will also use the position of the arrows as an indication of the trend. For example if a go short arrow prints but it is higher then the last go short arrow i will not take the trade. Currently in my first trade, chart attached.


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The system can catch big moves when the trend kicks in... However... It has false signals in ranging market... And also, there is the late entry problem... But overall, if traded with good discipline and money management... Can become profitable on the longer term....
The system can catch big moves when the trend kicks in... However... It has false signals in ranging market... And also, there is the late entry problem... But overall, if traded with good discipline and money management... Can become profitable on the longer term....

I completely agree, otherwise i wouldn't be wasting my time demo trading it.

The real question is can i make a profit trading, Having taken a knock i'm starting from the beginning. It will take a great deal of disciplne from me to stick to demo trading for any length of time as i usually jump in with the real cash from the get go. This will hopefully set me up to stick to the plan when i go live again.
Well if everything seems to be failing for you... I suggest you study price patterns and formations... These will work most of the time... especially when you add support and resistance to it... However, need to watch the chart on and on to spot and trade them...
Sniper Forex

Hello, I just purchased sniper forex and it looks to be a amazing system. The question that I have is about the Stop Loss and Take profit... I see that most of the time the Dots above/below the purchase price is around 150 pips.. that means you have to set your stoploss at 150 pips. .. Ok.. So.. even if you set your stoploss at 100pip this means you have to make a profit of 200 pips in order to have a ratio of 2:1. So.. How do you monitor this system and set a more reasonable stoploss? I don't like having stoploss's that are 150pips away from my purchase price. Any suggestions? This is also true with Stealth Forex any suggestions about that system with reasonable stoploss's?
the system seems to be producing some good results recently, still demo trading though.
It seems with the volatility that confirming the trend on different time frames may not be the best idea, although this is probably short-sighted to trade it in this way.
Anybody tried trading on the daily time frame?
Hi, Is it possible to be successful with Sniper if you have a full time job? I am normally at work from 9 to 5 and can only trade outside these hours. I have the Stealth system but it hasnt really worked well for me (the instructions are very confusing). I was told this works best during the day so I was wondering if thats the same for Sniper?
if you dont like the stop, use the high/low of the bar previous to entry if u still dont like the stop dont take the trade. your trying to catch a ride on trend for that timeframe but dont want to get stopped out by smaller trends on the lower timeframes. if you still dont like the stop drop to a lower timeframe but remember to adjust your objective accordingly.
Hi, Is it possible to be successful with Sniper if you have a full time job? I am normally at work from 9 to 5 and can only trade outside these hours. I have the Stealth system but it hasnt really worked well for me (the instructions are very confusing). I was told this works best during the day so I was wondering if thats the same for Sniper?

download the demo and look back at the performance and freqency of the signals during the period you plan to trade.