Possibly one reason that people get disillusioned is that most Sniper trades end in a loss. Out of the 258 trades I've taken, sticking to the rules, 44% have been winners, 56% losers. That's how it works. Forexkunta and vaco have made some good descriptions about how this system operates. If you stick to the rules, Sniper works. Despite the losing trades, you'll still gain overall.
Obviously this thread includes posts both from people using the system as per the rules, and posts from people adding/amending the rules. This has led to a very positive and helpful thread. With each signal, I take out 1 trade to follow as per the rules, and several other trades amending the rules. Actually, I don't go far from the rules, some trades with set TPs, and some with set TPs along with moving the SL to BE earlier than Sniper does. But just with TPs (based on TPs shown to be the optimum levels over the months) results are increased by approximately 25%. People who use other systems amending the rules may or not improve on the system. No one has ever published their results, so I don't know. I've regularly given updates on the results that I've achieved – proving that the system works.
One point I've made before is regards the results published on the website. I don't think that these results are achievable by using the system's rules. I've compared my results with those of GumRai in the past, e.g. during Sept-Nov, GumRai made 1074pts, I made 1094pts – Gary made 1653pts. It's a point worth making, but I see it as a secondary point. The main issue is that overall, by sticking to the rules, you will gain. That's why I'm staying with the system. In fact at the moment, things are going well: with yesterday's short, the TP160 trade closed this morning, 166pts up at the moment.
As you know, I stopped trading with Sniper on Cable H1at the end of November as I found that I was unable to dedicate the time necessary to take full advantage of the system.
I have since then been following it on Cable H4, candle close. I've been using the FXPro platform which is 1 hour ahead of Alpari. The results have not been good so far, but I appreciate that a sample of less than 3 months is not enough to be conclusive.
And this leads me to make the obvious statement that many people are incapable of pulling back and looking at the big picture.
When a system consistantly makes profit month after month, everybody is enthusiastic and raves about it. But 1 month with bad results and the focus shifts to that 1 month.
Then follows the inevitable tweaking of the system based on criteria that worked for the last week or 2. So a system that has worked for month after month can be improved by adjusting it to suit last week's price action??!!
People like Kent have adapted this system, incorporating their skill with reading Elliot waves. That is good. This is an example of adjusting to suit their own style of trading.
Greenfield has split take profit levels. This works for him because it reduces the amount of trades that will give back a large percentage of profits. A big help phsychologically.
Some experienced traders have the skill to adapt Sniper to their own style.
Some traders are unable to study the charts and make money based on their own trading analysis. They rely on a system such as Sniper. Yet when the losing periods happen, they think that they can improve it. Sorry to be blunt - but this smacks of arrogance!
I have been following Claudia's Breakout thread as well. Last year loads of happy posts about how simple and great this system is. A few losers and a lot of posts about what improvements could be made. A losing run and the thread is deathly quiet.
Most people can only stick with a system through the good times and are unable to cope with the inevitable bad times.
For me, Sniper as it is, is just not suitable. I am unable to dedicate the time. But that doesn't make it a bad system.
The one main thing that using Sniper has taught me is that when the market is trending, you HAVE to allow a trade to keep rolling to take as much advantage as possible while the movement is strong. This is finally imprinted into my brain. That alone is worth the cost of Sniper.
Good luck everybody