Sniper Forex System

Kent, I am a member at Donnaforex as well, and have not yet gotten the system, because I will not have money to trade with until Feb. Since you have been using this system successfully, and also have and understand the settings for her ea for Sniper, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for the upgrades she is planning? What filters would you have her put in to make it more profitable over time? Would you change the default TP and SL? What pairs do you find to be most profitable, Probably the JPY crosses, but what settings would you use for these, especially if you were to have it enter the trades as well as manage the exits.....
One last question.. Donna said on the Sniper section in the member forum that the biggest weakness that the Sniper ea system and Gary's system has is the exits, what would you suggest for the exits as well? Sorry for all of the questions, just a guy who doesn't know enough trying to find a way to make this ea more robust and profitable, hopefully in the short and long term too.
Thanks in advance for all of your help so far!!!!!🙄🙂
Sniper Forex custom indicator combining all 5 Sniper Forex System indies


if anyone is interested I have a custom indicator combining all Sniper Forex indicators to one indi, also in MTF.

Anyone interested to start an EA project on this one let me know.

See video:


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At the moment, I don't have enough experiance with the EA to make any comments as to what should be changed. At the present, it is basically the Sniper system in EA form, and should be profitable. I have it on several demo accounts, and will watch it over the next few weeks. My best pair for Sniper has been GBP/JPY, and I feel that it works very well on all GPB crosses. You will just have to try it out on other pairs to decide for yourself.
I have no suggestions on filters other than what I have contributed to the thread in the past.
And yes, I agree with Donna about the exits. I tend to filter everything with Elliott Wave analysis, and take profits based on current wave counts. That will generally allow for better exits, with more in profit. Gary's system is designed to enter a trend as early as possible and then to ride it for as long as possible, and with that in mind tends to set the stop loss far enough back to do so. That will kill profits in the long run, to an extent. Is there better trading systems out there. Probably. Is there worse systems out there? Most definitely. Sniper is a very good system, and was worth every penny to me. It put me on the path to be able to trade manually, and learn what I was doing. Of course, I certainly must give the other traders in this thread and forum credit, for without guidance from them, I would not be where I am today. And for that I am very grateful.
Welcome to the Sniper thread, and good luck.

Kent, I am a member at Donnaforex as well, and have not yet gotten the system, because I will not have money to trade with until Feb. Since you have been using this system successfully, and also have and understand the settings for her ea for Sniper, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for the upgrades she is planning? What filters would you have her put in to make it more profitable over time? Would you change the default TP and SL? What pairs do you find to be most profitable, Probably the JPY crosses, but what settings would you use for these, especially if you were to have it enter the trades as well as manage the exits.....
One last question.. Donna said on the Sniper section in the member forum that the biggest weakness that the Sniper ea system and Gary's system has is the exits, what would you suggest for the exits as well? Sorry for all of the questions, just a guy who doesn't know enough trying to find a way to make this ea more robust and profitable, hopefully in the short and long term too.
Thanks in advance for all of your help so far!!!!!🙄🙂
Kent, thank you much for your guidance, it is highly appreciated. I saw this thread back in the beginning of November after reading about Sniper on Gary's website. I decided to write to Donna in a support request to see if this was a system that I could trade manually while working full time, and if not, if an ea called the Sniper Forex Ea was the same one in ea form, or if this system could be coded into an ea, and if that would work instead. She told me that I did indeed need to be there to take every trade, and that the Sniper Forex Ea was not the same system, and was also a bad ea to boot. Here is the rest of the email. Sorry it reads from bottom to top.

That truly is great news, like you, I hope that it works well. I will wait
patiently, and buy Sniper Forex through you in Feb. when I get the money
together to trade. You're the bomb Donna, of course, you probably already knew

---- DonnaForex Members <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> My programmer agreed to code Sniper Forex into an EA, which is great news. I
> will make it available to members if it works (and as long as they have
> original Sniper licenses). It should be ready by this time next week.
> FXProfitMountain - i haven't actually tested this myself, but there has been
> a lot of email about it lately. People seem to be very mixed in opinion,
> some claiming it is very good, others saying it wiped out their accounts
> quickly and it is a scam. I will certainly look into it a bit more.
> Regards
> Donna
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 3:39 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Thank you for the information, I will probably wait for the system until I
> > can trade it profitably, or on the chance that you find out if this can, and
> > should, be programmed as an ea. This would definitely be interesting, and I
> > think that you are awesome.
> > By the way, there is another interesting ea that I just recently heard
> > about and checked out their website. It works as a trend finder too, but I
> > don't know how accurate it is.....
> > The name of the ea is fx profit mountain. I heard about it from the guys
> > who have been testing out Fapturbo for the last 49 weeks and giving updates
> > each week on it. The website that I found these guys on quite a while ago is
> > They have been trying out this ea for a couple of
> > weeks now, and they seem to like it quite a bit, because it isn't a scalper,
> > and it is quite different from what they normally see. Anyway, I was
> > wondering if you had heard of it, or the developer. Don't know myself, but
> > the ea is definitely different. Thanks again for your help.
> >
> > ---- DonnaForex Members <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > Hi Josh,
> > >
> > > Unfortunately, Sniper Forex isn't something you can trade if you are
> > unable
> > > to look at your charts at least a few times throughout the day. Forex
> > Sniper
> > > EA is not based on Sniper Forex, it is an entirely different system, and
> > > from what i have heard and seen of it it is not a good one either..
> > >
> > > Sniper Forex could indeed be converted into an EA. It would be
> > interesting
> > > to do exactly that and see how it performs. I have just now sent off a
> > quote
> > > request to my programmer to see if we can get anything drafted up -
> > although
> > > since it is not my strategy i would only be able to give it to people
> > with
> > > the manual system licenses.
> > >
> > > Kind regards
> > >
> > > Donna
> > >
> > > -------------------------------------------
> > > -- Form: 'members'
> > > -------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > 1. Name:
> > > 'Josh osborne'
> > > 2. E-Mail:
> > > '[email protected], or [email protected]'
> > > 3. Message::
> > > 'Hey, I am going to be able to open an account in Feb. to start
> > trading,
> > > probably with between 5000-7000 US, and this will be with a few robots
> > that
> > > I have been studying with your help since Feb. of this year. Anyway, I
> > have
> > > been checking out sniperforex since you mentioned them as a strong manual
> > > trading system, and one that you have used, and it definitely looks like
> > a
> > > good addition to the account that I am planning on beginning. I was
> > > wondering though, I do have a full time job, Wed. - Sat. working from
> > 7:00
> > > AM to 7:00 PM. Will I still be able to trade this properly, knowing that
> > I
> > > need to take every trade that the system gives, (so as not to miss any
> > > trends)? If not, I have heard about a Sniper Forex Ea, is this something
> > > that I could get from them, or is this system not able to be properly
> > > converted into an ea? I will trade this either as an ea, or as a manual
> > > system, whichever you think will work best. Thank you so much for your
> > help,
> > > and information. I think that I have a chance with forex now, and that is
> > > directly attributable to you. Thanks again,
> > > Josh Osborne.'
> >
I am glad that this is working out well, she came out with the ea a little while after these emails. I was proud that she thought it was a good idea as well, and I certainly hope that it can help us make many pips. Thanks again for your help, hope my pride hasn't made me look too silly.😉🙄
Now that I think of it, I hope Donna won't mind that I posted this email, kinda hard to keep this cat in the bag after two months....... If so, I'll find a way to make it up....:cheesy::innocent:
wow, this year begin at sniper same last year ended.

I have 3 entrys all ended in a loss
04 Jan 07:07 Enter Short at 1.61157
04 Jan 17:00 Enter Long at 1.62066
05 Jan 04:05 Enter Short at 1.60907

the last trade trigger the sl by 1.5 pips and I give already snipers stop + spread, damn
one good think is, I decide to trade real from 11.01

and I have a email last year 7500 pips from gary, hope we can make this year the same😀
It seems that Sniper has not been performing very well lately and this will cause this thread to quieten down a bit.
I guess this is where a working understanding of Elliot Wave theory comes in handy. Taking trades against a trend is always a losing proposition, and Cable has been full of those this week. Also counting waves helps to know when a trade in the opposite direction is a trade against the trend, and also when the trend could be coming to an end.
Study up! Certainly can't hurt, and really helps.
Hi there

I am a newbie and was wanting find out how to trial out Sniper Forex...On the Website it indicates the demo....

This seems to be just the PDF and MT4 platform...

How do I get the settings ????

Kind Regards
I guess this is where a working understanding of Elliot Wave theory comes in handy. Taking trades against a trend is always a losing proposition, and Cable has been full of those this week. Also counting waves helps to know when a trade in the opposite direction is a trade against the trend, and also when the trend could be coming to an end.
Study up! Certainly can't hurt, and really helps.

Thanks Kent. I've been hanging back from trading this month so far. I'll be looking to get back in towards the middle of the month.
In the meantime, are there any good sources of reading/info you can recommend for the Elliot Wave theory? I'm interested to find out more. Dervish