Smart Technology Inc

soli said:
i called omega up yesterday who said that Smart Tech would be floating in January.. I got sucked into this spent 4k , i think its money gone awol for me..
have emailed smart in the past no response so i assume this is a scam

Condolences! When you submitted your funds, did they go to Amgrove? I have also tried to contact Smart Tech., and even got through to someone in France ( a 'partner' firm) who said that the person I wanted to speak to was not available but would call me back... that was about a year ago. Still waiting, but not holding breath!
Good Luck
FergusonsFollies said:
smartboy said:
The latest news . I called the company and they told me that they submitted an apply to start trading in London Exchange for the timebeing . They still want their stock traded in U.S market . They said they are doing their best to achieve that .

Beside that , I contacted someone in Sec and asked him about the situation . He told me that the company from their documents really wants to start trading in U.S market . They gain the acceptance very soon .

Good luck to all[/QUOTE

I can't help thinking that 'Smartboy' is a little prejudiced in favour of Smart Tech., and Wellington Duke. Why would that be?? Reading 'his' postings makes me very suspicious, and, at the risk of sounding racist (which I am not, by the way!), the use of the English language plus the unbased claims ("They gain the acceptance very soon") would seem to suggest that "Smartboy" is actually in Wellington Duke's camp, not to mention Omega and any other organisation connected to Amgrove.
HE called the company (which?) and they are doing their best to have their stock traded in the US. So what's stopping them???

BEware all who tread this path.

Do you realy think I am with Wellington Duke camp ?

By the way , Wellington Duke consists of people who made propaganda for Smart Technology . I do not know who they are . But if I could reach that person in Wellington Duke , I sware I would kill him . He made me spent more than $150,000 in smart technology telling me that the stock is a promise and would start trading by the end of 2005 . The CEO told me that too .

Anyway , right now I can not change anything . I called smart technology 2 months ago and they told me that they almost got the acceptance to start trading in AIM exchange in London .

I sent my case to the U.S embassy in my country and they are mointering the situations and they contacted the company to know more about the situation.

By the way , I got the real number for that person who claimed to be the cheif of Wellington Duke . He is in Spain . If you call him I want you to threaten him . I am sure he will deny anything about Wellington Duke . I got his cell phone which is +34629573941

I will be waiting for any updating news .
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well today i recieved a call from Smart Tech them selves saying that the float is due on the 15th of june 2007 was offered more shares at a lower price. not sure at all.. their website doesnt have any details of the float. and the contact name of the french guy who sent the initial certificate seems to have dissaperead too.. so not sure if this kosher or not.. the guy i spoke to told me that the company is gonna list on the UK Aim market and on the Europen market anyone heard anything else?
It's remarkable how the so-called 'float-date' is always only a three month period away🙄

... and now the shares are being offered at a lower price? :cheesy: I'm sure all the previous buyers at the higher rates will be very pleased 😱 This means that their already worthless stock will be worth even less :?:

If there is any chance of the company floating, you can be sure to find reference to it in the SEC files. If they are going to list on AIM or European markets, you would also be able to find independent references to that, too.

As for 'the French guy' disappearing... it seems to me that they have milked this particular cash-cow for just about all they can, and they may be preparing to shut up shop.

You're not sure if it's Kosher? To quote my wise grandmother - "If in doubt, miss it out!". We WANT these things to work so much that we convince ourselves that they're Kosher. THAT is the strength of the scam.

PS. I just went to the Smart Tech. website and read their latest news / letter to the shareholders. I find the way it is written has an "amateur" flavour (apologies to the board if they, and their m essage, are genuine).
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i cant find anything on their website about share holders! maybe im not looking in the right place..
Hi Soli,

If you go to the Smart Tech. website (, there's a message box to the right below"flash news". If you read down that message, there's a link to 'READ ALL', which shows you the whole message.

I'm also trying to remember where and how I accessed a full list of their "shareholders".

Good luck. Keep in touch

Hi Soli,

If you go to the Smart Tech. website (, there's a message box to the right below"flash news". If you read down that message, there's a link to 'READ ALL', which shows you the whole message.

I'm also trying to remember where and how I accessed a full list of their "shareholders".

Good luck. Keep in touch


cheers mate.. i was actually going to the wrong website! i was going to who do wipe boards! no wonder i was a bit lost!!
SMARTBOY you may as well wave goodbye to your 100k. I dont think you will be doing as i doubt you have put anything in at all. If you have you deserve to lose the lot as anybody who buys over the phone to the tune of that amount needs to see a shrink or at least be sectioned. As for anyone else just pick up the daily paper and send off for one of the jobs entitled BROKERS REQUIRED ABROAD or LAND SALES ABROAD. Do the phone interview, get the job, take the free flight, work for two weeks in one of the offices whilst making sure you have a good p*ss up, make your excuses and get your flight home. Instead of investing the money first do the above and save yourself the hassle of getting ripped off. If you really wanna gamble go to the gee gees or send your money to spank shops abroad.

My 2 cents
What do you think My 2 cents ?

SMARTBOY you may as well wave goodbye to your 100k. I dont think you will be doing as i doubt you have put anything in at all. If you have you deserve to lose the lot as anybody who buys over the phone to the tune of that amount needs to see a shrink or at least be sectioned. As for anyone else just pick up the daily paper and send off for one of the jobs entitled BROKERS REQUIRED ABROAD or LAND SALES ABROAD. Do the phone interview, get the job, take the free flight, work for two weeks in one of the offices whilst making sure you have a good p*ss up, make your excuses and get your flight home. Instead of investing the money first do the above and save yourself the hassle of getting ripped off. If you really wanna gamble go to the gee gees or send your money to spank shops abroad.

My 2 cents

I have read your message .

I want you to tell me :
1- what is the best solution to get my money back ?
2- what is the min. damages i can take ? to sue these guys and get money through the court . or wait till the company get floated and sell my shrs .
3- what do you have more information about the situation ?

note : I have put more than $ 180k in this company .

again : I beg you to give me the right advice . from my heart : I want to sue these people and put them in jails for what they have done to us .
I have some serious doubts about you.

1. The best way to get your money back is to talk to your Angels and do a bit of Cosmic Ordering - come to think of it, that's probably the only way you'll ever see that money again - if, indeed, you did 'invest' any.

2. Who're you gonna sue? You've already made your 'minimum' losses. If you can find anyone to take to court it will cost you another small fortune in solicitor's fees and court costs, with a large chance that IF you find someone to sue, they'll get away with it anyway... and waiting until the company floats and selling your shares will take patience - a whole lot of patience!!! How old are you now?

3. If you open your eyes to the reality of the situation, you will realise that you know just as much about it as any of us. Wake up, smell the coffee, move on.

I agree that these people should be stopped. The only way to stop them is to learn from mistakes and not be taken in again. Also try to educate others. If all of us were aware of the dangers, none of us would be conned, and these people wouldn't be able to operate. Hmm, and if pigs could fly....

Like Gedward3, I seriously doubt if you invested in excess of 180000 dollars. Unless you inherited it (or robbed a bank - joke!), how would somebody of your innocence, dare I say naivety, acquire that amount of money in the first place?

These people deserve jail sentences at the very least, and although I'm against it in principle, there is some argument for bringing back the death penalty.

In your case, however, the best thing you can do for yourself and your own peace of mind is to write it up as a 'life-experience' and move on. What goes around comes around, and they will be punished eventually. I wish you health and peace.

I dont think there's anything you can do mate. Sounds like their not regulated and offshore with no regulation. Look at Pacific Continental in the UK, a legal spank shop that pays money to be regulated by the FSA and still has a licence to screw customers and lose all their money. The FSA to be quite frank are a load of b*llocks. They are just another so called leagalised channell to pull money out of the markets by laying down the laws and pretending they police the market.

Best bet if you can contact who sold you the stock and find out where they are, pay 4 of the biggest brick sh*t house bouncers or guys you can find and knock on the office door and demand your money back.

Sorry if my replys are extreme but thats the only way!!!!
By the way, if you do want to resort to the "Four Brick Sh*thouse Bouncers" method, let me know, because I am closely acquainted with a guy who runs his own security firm...
Hi to all!

I have bought shares in Smart Tech at US$6 each way back in year 2001 through Republic Securities Group Inc based in the British Virgin Islands. Like many other shady investment houses they ceased operations and disappeared some time later. I have received the share certificate... the problem is that this company has been saying that it is going to list its shares way back since 2001 and to date has never did. Initially the company was planning a listing on a US stock exchange. This is demonstrated by the filing in the SEC. For FergusonsFollies I think you have come across the list of shareholders in the Company's filings with the SEC. Here's the link to the Smart Tech's SEC filings

One can see the latest filed list of shareholder from here. See page 9 to page 15

Previous filings with the SEC even provide the address of the individual shareholders.

For anyone who have been bought Smart Tech's shares through Republic Securities Group it would be interesting to note that RSG have acquired the shares for only US$1 each..thus making some easy money before disappearing!. Refer to page 60

Smart Tech is now saying that it shall list its shares very soon on the Euronext. From the never ending postponement I very much doubt that this will ever happen. I believe this is a scam from beginning to end.

For those of you who may wish to seek justice I am in contact with an attorney who is seeking compensation on behalf of victims who have been defrauded like yours truly. One can contact him on his company's website

Thank You
. . . .

For those of you who may wish to seek justice I am in contact with an attorney who is seeking compensation on behalf of victims who have been defrauded like yours truly. One can contact him on his company's website

Hmmmmmmm, Googling only throws up one link, NO info on where company is based, NO staff names/qualifications etc.

Looks like a sophisticated scam to me (serious)
Hmmmmmmm, Googling only throws up one link, NO info on where company is based, NO staff names/qualifications etc.

Looks like a sophisticated scam to me (serious)

The only reason why I have placed a post in the Forum is to inform members from where they can get details of Smart Tech shareholders...that all. I have no intention to promote any attorney whatsoever. What I can say is that I have encountered many Advance Fee fraudsters promising to recover "lost" monies from clients and I believe this attorney is not one of them. I have been in contact with Dr Paul that name will give you some info through Google ...for a number of months now and assure you he is very serious in his work and is in contact with Securities Regulators / Authorities throughout Europe.
Short of the dude holding me at gun point and me just handing over the money, I have also been approached by a dodgy bloke offering to sell these shares recently at the bargin basement of $5 a share. Can't believe that there are people who would even think about doing this sort of thing.

Anyhow, the dude is phoning again today.. so playing along.. hopefully will be able to get a bit more information out of him. Of course if he is reading this, I probably won't get that phone call.
Hi Brucy555,
Thanks for the link. That was indeed the list of 'shareholders' I had seen, but couldn't remember where.
Good luck,