Smart Portfolio ISA by IG



Has anyone had any experience with these? I am looking to potentially get one, until I feel more comfortable in my stock picking.
I know IG are well respected with great platforms, was hoping if anyone had any experience in these.

Eventually id like to get a managed fund and then set money aside to manage my own so they both run in tandem.

Has anyone had any experience with these? I am looking to potentially get one, until I feel more comfortable in my stock picking.
I know IG are well respected with great platforms, was hoping if anyone had any experience in these.

Eventually id like to get a managed fund and then set money aside to manage my own so they both run in tandem.

From my own experience of IG and the cowboys they use to "manage" things for you I'd stay well away
I'd recommend vanguard or fidelity again from experience who have both been pretty good, they do actively manage albeit more on the market tracking side so as prices go down they will still be using your money! Good returns thou
Santander I believe also provide managed funds and they are also very good. I bought mine via a broker so not sure if you can get online, I'm sure you can