Good luck JD. I took a long break in the latter months of last year, and only got back into it slowly. It takes a while to get back in to the "feel" of the market, which in any case inevitably changes somewhat. I had only demo traded last year with SLM, never live (my live trading was almost all with Tradefair) so this year is 1st time ever live trading with MT4, and it's been "interesting", but once you get into it, it has "vanilla" SB platforms beat hands down.
Now, how something like Prospreads would compare is something different again, I suspect, and requiring needing to learn other ways of trading. Still, that's for the future.
The aim is to gradually progress from quite small to the equivalent of full-lot size, without having permanent adrenaline surge on the go all the time......that's the tricky bit.
Good luck and good trading 😎