Hi guys. I hope you can help me out with a problem I have with Metatrader. I am relatively new to trading but been having good success however Metatrader let me down today at a crucial point when I was about to enter a trader today. The program disconnected and showed "no connection". I tried restarting the program but unforunately missed out on a nice little trade. Is there any way round this? Is there a way of paying for a more reliable server? I am currently using IgIndex and just using Metatrader to provide me with the charts.
Any help would be appreciate.
I am looking for a mt4 platform that gives both the US and EURO index, I have alpari which gives neither
I am currently using IgIndex and just using Metatrader to provide me with the charts.
My first impression is mixed from a week of live trading with SLM. There are too many re-quotes and I have some problems at times getting my scripts to execute correctly. Of course these problems very seldom occurred while using the demo account. Could be that I have to work on the scripts, experiment with slippage and deviation while trading with market orders. I also don't like the fact they do not open for live trading the instant the market opens (indicies). Otherwise I found them to perform well and I am looking forward to see how SLM progress with their SB MetaTrader platform in the long run. I understand it takes time for a company to polish a new SB service, I usually give a new company a year before deciding, if I like to trade with them on a consistent basis.
I trade mostly the Nasdaq, DAX and FTSE. As I said way too many re-quotes, resulting not getting into or out of a position. Of course one have to accept a re-quote now and then, especially in a volatile market, but not as many I have gotten from SLM. I try to increase the slippage but I am not prepared to give away a couple of points on market orders. The problem probably lie in how they quote their prices, it is fractions of a point, and as I see it there is no deviation on their side when the order hit the server. Others like Capitalspreads have fraction of a point on indices, but I am not getting close to as many re-quotes as with SLM.Could you advise which market you are having issues with as from what I understand some appear pretty flawless - i.e. forex, others are having issues?..
Overall this appears to be a huge positive addition to the SB ( tax free trading for UK traders) market with a well thought out website ( members portal for funding and withdrawals), great MT4 platform and excellent service with my limited experience to date.
I have always thought it was quite arrogant of IG not to offer the platform of choice for forex traders, and am surprised it has taken an 'outsider' to come up with a solution. SL now have the crucial USP with their MT4 platform.
Overall the UK SB industry is tiny compared to the overall forex retail broker market; which is maybe why FXCM has been reluctant to get involved to date. SB with MT4 may well change that.
My personal experience with FXCM has been horrendous (frozen platforms, re quotes..), so I wouldn't move to them if they offered an SB solution; but that was some time ago and I understand things have improved somewhat since..
I trade mostly the Nasdaq, DAX and FTSE. As I said way too many re-quotes, resulting not getting into or out of a position. Of course one have to accept a re-quote now and then, especially in a volatile market, but not as many I have gotten from SLM. I try to increase the slippage but I am not prepared to give away a couple of points on market orders. The problem probably lie in how they quote their prices, it is fractions of a point, and as I see it there is no deviation on their side when the order hit the server. Others like Capitalspreads have fraction of a point on indices, but I am not getting close to as many re-quotes as with SLM.
Yes fractional points can be an advantage if they accept a small deviation, if not you can end up in a re-quote mess. The real underlaying asset may not change during the time the order is sent to the server, but their algorithm for calculating the fractional point notice a tiny difference resulting in a re-quote.It's interesting that GFT has been trumpeting the introduction of fractional points recently, as though it's some kind of advantage that maximises clients' profits. From previous experience, all it really seem to do is add complication and make the figures harder to follow.
Yes fractional points can be an advantage ............
I don't agree, you can get in and and out of a position in fractions instead of a whole point. You are too paranoid about SB's intentions. The industry have lower the spread in the recent year, the platforms is getting faster and offers more features. There is no Trojan horse here, but mainly due to increased competition and greater demand from traders.It is not an advantage in any way, shape or form. It is actually a disadvantage because you get slipped a fraction on entry and on exit. Ask yourself this question: When is the last time a market maker, spreadbetter or likewise known by any other name, have introduced anything that helps the trader make money? Anything new is always packaged as a good thing for traders but in reality it is a trojan horse 😆
I never use SB charts, I remembered when CS introduced fractional points, it was much easier to make profit. Anyway, this is under condition that the SB execute well and don't re-quote for the tiniest deviation.Fractional points could possibly be an advantage if it resulted in less slippage, but I don't think it does, so the main effect is to make chart scales more confusing.
I never use SB charts, I remembered when CS introduced fractional points, it was much easier to make profit. Anyway, this is under condition that the SB execute well and don't re-quote for the tiniest deviation.
Well, If you trade after the real futures chart you can't go wrong. To tell you the truth, after many years of observing, the deviation between the two are actually very small (in reflecting movement).SB always insist that their own charts, which are supposedly built from their own prices, are 'indicative only', so using different charts must introduce a new dimension in errors?
Yes, you got a good point here. If there are fractions of a point it have to be divided into equal parts of a point, if not, one find it difficult to set the right slippage in MT4?There is a problem for me with the fractional points for the FTSE100 on SLM. It is that that the fractions change. They can be .1,.4, .6, .9 and on another day .2,.4,.7,.9 and also I have seen .0, .3, .5, .8. Not a major problem but if the fractions could be standardised it would be nice.
My main gripe I am afraid is the opening time of Uk equities. SLM please can you allow trading to start as soon as you have true prices for a share. You can see true prices showing but the share code is greyed out and you can't trade.
Like all SB they have flaws, one being they freeze the platform for the first minute during the opening of the US market.
I think they could give better spreads on most things, especially the Dow.
Not many FX pairs, not even many JPY pairs with CAD. Need more FX pairs.