Skype room for long term position trading/ trend trading


Experienced member
Hey guys if anyone is interested in serious discussion of nice long term stock trades (weekly and monthly charts) please add me on skype: Tajammy is the skype name.

Aiming to get a chatroom of serious longer term traders.
This is something I have been thinking about for a while, I have thought it might be good to brain storm and bounce around ideas and share stocks and instruments on watch lists.
But deep inside I can't but help think what a solo game trading is. So I am in two minds about it.

FYI, I am a trend follower rather than a trend trader. My TA is all EOD rather than weekly as in your op. But due to my set up criteria the weekly would stack up just the same. Also stocks are usually my last option on the watch list, only if I have any risk space left after Commodities, Bonds, FX, ETF's and indices.

Have you had any takers?
P.S - Just for for any less tech savvy readers of the o.p, Skype is commonly used as a typed message chat (rather than the original traditional Skype associated video chat.)