I agree totally - Sharky has put a lot into this site, it's free, and the issues being faced have been faced by other sites in the past... and dealt with, in my view, very badly.
Provided opinion here is honest I see no problem - problems arise when it becomes impossible to criticise a trainer without having posts pulled, as far as I am aware posts are only censored when they contain personal attacks... as publisher T2W cannot help but remove anything that might possibly lead to a libel action, Sharky's minicabbing until 5am as it is to keep the board going.
Many other boards, in my experience, let complete sharks through to post thinly veiled adverts. That really isn't happening here so far, and I don't think it will in future (I'm betting). Trading is a solitary profession, I DO think many trainers are good at trading and still do courses - it gets them out to meet people and stops them becoming rich recluses. When T2W members recommend courses they have personally been on I see no reason to assume there is some sinister thread underlying everything - if a newbie called 'Kris Mannering' suddenly appears and starts touting courses then I'll complain as well 🙂
Well said Chartman!