Sierra Software


Well-known member
Presently using Updata Software, but with a month left on my contract Iam looking round for either an alternative data supplier or more radical changing the software completely.

At the weekend downloaded the Sierra software package, impressed with the clarity of the chart, but find the lack of available support other than the website is a little disconcerting.

Also finding it a tad difficult to work out exactly just how much it is going to cost me to get up & running with Sierra restricting my trading to the LSE.

So if anyone can impart any info. on the above it would be greatly received & how they find using the software.

Cheers Ls
lockstock - I recently changed to Sierra and my main regret is that I did not do so a long time ago. Instructions from the web site are adequate, even for a technophobe like me. Excellent range of indicators, tools etc. Datafeed from either IB or MyTrack. IB will be cheaper, but there is only live data, so no backfilling of gaps etc in the data. MyTrack gives a 45 day intraday history.

My main reason for switching to Sierra was to be able to have multiple windows of the same instrument running in different timeframes, and to be able to set up my indicators to emulate the screens used for the Woodie CCI trading system. Each group of charts can be saved as a chartbook, so you can have a set for trading the FTSE100, another for trading the US and another for the Eurostoxx. The whole chartbook will be saved so that you can retrieve any setup of multiple window charts at will.

I don't think you will find better value - but I guess it depends on what type of trading you want to do.

Many here use Sierra, MyTrack and IB so there should be no shortage of help if you run into trouble. And you can load the s/w twice so that you can have one running off MyTrack which will give back data and no gaps in the event of a disconnection, and you can also run the other copy using IB as a backup if MyTrack data goes down.

Thanks for your reply,

I mainly trade the UKX and the INDU spreadbetting with CMC, using Updata realtime thru an internet feed via Updata provided by Standard & Poor.

So I guess the next question is how much is the feed from My Track as opposed to IB and are they both Internet fed ?

Really what Iam after is a total costing for the package in UK sterling, as I understand it the Silver Plan is $ 42 for 6 months. So that equates to c. £30, so it's just down to the cost of the feed.
You will need the SierraChart entitlement @$25pcm

Are you sure Silver is so cheap...

Both feeds are Internet fed, you may need to subscribe to market data depending on which instruments you require. For instance FTSE futures from Liffe is $10pcm or more.


The $42 is purely for Sierra Charts (6 month licence).

The data will cost you extra. Realtime intra-day data from MyTrack will cost $45 a month plus exchange fees. That's $20 for the Silver Plan and $25 to connect to Sierra Charts.


When I add a chart to a chartbook, all I get is the basic chart. I then need separate actions to

1. add the grid
2. add day breaks
3. add a saved analysis
4. compress/expand the time spacing to the setting I want.
5. Resize the chart window.

Is there any way that I can save these settings so that any charts added to the same chartbook will automatically come up with the same format?
No, and er yes!

I know of no simple way (though as you've probably discovered you can set up some basic defaults under chart settings).

However, there is a way you could half do it.

Set up the chart and layout as you want. Save it as a chartbook. Then reopen it when you want to create your new chart and type the ticker for the new chart in the title bar of the chart window, and resave under a different name.

However, there is a big but here. That will only work if the new chart is already on your system. Typing a code in the title bar will only load a chart if the file already exists, so it's a very partial solution.
Thanks Peter. That is a useful technique for bringing up a series of charts one at a time. What I like to do tho is to open a chartbook each day with all the new stocks that I want to watch for that day, and I'm looking for a way to streamline the operation.

BTW, there is a problem at MyTrack today which has corrupted the intraday data for the last 2 hours of yesterday. Fix to follow.

I had a problem first thing with MT, I couldn't backfill the last 2 hours of data for yesterday. However, they claimed to have fixed it by 8:45am or so, and I managed to backfill OK after that. The data I've got looks OK, but I've no independent way of checking it. Since your post is timed 4 hours later I'm a little worried that the backfill data may be erroneous. What were the symptoms you were getting, and what at time did they say there was a problem?
Peter - I was looking at stocks rather than futures. There was definitely a problem at the time I posted for stocks that I did not have in my backfill data, but it seemed to be sorted before the US open.

Morning all!

Just updated Sierra from version 30 to 38 , on CCI , what is the significance of the " multiplier" on the setting section, and any suggested setting would be appreciated.

( this was not on v. 30 )

Many Thanks

Ken. T.
Don't worry about it. Just use the default setting for all the usual CCI settings.
