Short Selling is healthy for the markets

Here is a good solution. :idea:

Raise taxation, reclaim bonuses and bailout the banks not a good idea...

If existing shareholders do not come up to maintain their assets then government can buy shares to raise necessary capital and then sell back to market once environment is stable again. Similar to Brown's excellent idea. Nationalisation... OMG :-0

If Soc Gen is fed to the jackals and hynias only going to take rest of the markets down. We shouldn't be like the US. EC will survive this fiasco and come out stronger.

Soc Gen and the 6bn trader loss was a cover up imho. More to do with junk they bought from US banks. (yeah I know another crazy idea).

However, point objective is to repair the situation not capitulate to the benefit of a few hedge funds.

Free market my ass - is no different to the looters out there... They can see booty and they all coming out to play. 🙄

That looks a good idea, providing that the taxpayer isn't buying a load of crap. Right wing governments don't buy shares, though, do they? We need socialists for that. But markets must be protected, not allowed to be attacked by a load of jackals so, if no one, here, is a jackal, they have nothing to worry about.
Give us some ,then. There is no guarantee that this will not be re-inflated. I cannot see that happening in my lifetime, certainly, but someone said that the human being is the only species that trips over the same stone twice. When it happens, though, it won't be the same, it never is. The 1929 crash could never happen again because of Keynesian--so we were told- but it has.

Big is not beautiful. Big Banks, Big Govt, Global Economies, Global Corporations etc.
All of these disempower the peoples who live and work within this type of organization / structure.

Alright then lets try this.

Community Banks where savers and borrowers co-exist in harmony, Co-operative type businesses where the members have a stake and a voice, Low taxation so that you decide where to spend or save money, Small Govt and State that only concerns itself with national / regional matters instead of concerning itself with every aspect in our miserable existence.

People need to take back control of their lives.
Big is not beautiful. Big Banks, Big Govt, Global Economies, Global Corporations etc.
All of these disempower the peoples who live and work within this type of organization / structure.

Alright then lets try this.

Community Banks where savers and borrowers co-exist in harmony, Co-operative type businesses where the members have a stake and a voice, Low taxation so that you decide where to spend or save money, Small Govt and State that only concerns itself with national / regional matters instead of concerning itself with every aspect in our miserable existence.

People need to take back control of their lives.

This is a great idea. I'd be 100% behind this. 👍
How do you do that then ? Riot ?

Power breeds hunger for more power. It's a one way street. They will not relinquish power short of a genuine threat of extermination.

Well for starters i'm going to write an e-petition which will need 100k signatures so as to be put forward for debate in parliament. The 100k threshold is quite low I think and certainly doable if the word gets out and spreads. The bonus is that if enough people sign then news organizations will pick up the story which promotes interest in the petition.
Well for starters i'm going to write an e-petition which will need 100k signatures so as to be put forward for debate in parliament. The 100k threshold is quite low I think and certainly doable if the word gets out and spreads. The bonus is that if enough people sign then news organizations will pick up the story which promotes interest in the petition.

So you get 100k signatures. They have a little debate and decide they are happy with their existing cozy arrangement. What then ?

They all have vested interest in the system that they and their ancestors took generations to build. Short of getting the 100k people to go on a rampage, they'll just tell you to go play somewhere else.
So you get 100k signatures. They have a little debate and decide they are happy with their existing cozy arrangement. What then ?

They all have vested interest in the system that they and their ancestors took generations to build. Short of getting the 100k people to go on a rampage, they'll just tell you to go play somewhere else.

Yes of course that would be the likely outcome, but at least it gets people talking and the more people who start to see the truth means more converts and more pressure. Never underestimate a small idea as it can soon grow arms and legs.

Hitler didn't just wake up one day and find himself in power 😆
Yes of course that would be the likely outcome, but at least it gets people talking and the more people who start to see the truth means more converts and more pressure. Never underestimate a small idea as it can soon grow arms and legs.

Hitler didn't just wake up one day and find himself in power 😆

Well, hitler knew what a 100k army of storm troopers could do. I don't believe there ever was a case in history that the ruling class was willing to change and yield without bloodshed.
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