Shik moves from min to hrs

got short on the E/U but it is looking bad. Doctor where's the scotch?
Also had a short signal on G/U but i didn't take that one cause i am not at least BE on the original trade.

Well that sucked!
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also had a poor trade on the AUD/USD. maby i need a magic crystal ball, cause i slept and missed 2 losses and still took 2 so thats 4 bad signals to 0 good ones. not even a lil breakeven in the lot.

1/2 off at +21 other 1/2 off at +120

First good trade on the AUD/USD. Though it seems i'm no good at calling the buggers live.🙁 Oh well, my account seems to be ticking along slowly. Mostly because i'm sleeping through bad signals so I'm scared to increase size and try to compound gains. but for now the paltry remainder of my equity seems to be moving in the right direction.

As I write I am looking at a possible long on the EU, but I err on the side of caution. It has just occurred to me that my signals leave no room to suggest the market does not want to turn around other than a negative exit; I hope the market doesn't notice.
Well, I took that long E/U and it failed. I not posting a picture. I am too heartbroken after that one. Sad thing is i also took the trade in the T2W competition with no stop and it is playing marathon man. lol😆😆😆😆😆

Maby next week my goal should be top 10 in the competition.
Well i think i good there for the week. only have 1 line to go short and this movement aint doing me any favors so, maby i wont see any entry till next week. at this rate i'll make back my losses when i'm old and gray.
Well better old and gray than never.
hmm, it seems that i have thrown away a lot of funds cutting my trades for 1:1 and riding the other portion though still up, i see part of the reason y i am such a ****ty trader. during this month so far, i have gotten to BE only 2 times and lost. I have lost so far 10 times without getting to break even. I have won 4 times. (make that 2 times. last week i fell off the wagon and lost oh so many valuable pts)

Maby i should demo holding all for a full win. It might just be that i am able to do it without being at break even.

EUR/USD last night. 15 min chart

My risk was to be greater than I wanted so i waited a bit and luckily the trade did not run away from me😛
That means, another good trade. It didn't get to risk while i was up so it's a full win.:clap::clap: even better, I had increased size to compound gains:cheesy::cheesy:
I should have tried this when i first started out, hope next month is not too cruel. I really think I'm gonna try and hold for a full win all next month. hopefully i survive (may need strong sleeping pills)

I'm not short tho, cause I was sleeping.

In about 6 months god willing, I may be able to graduate from level one of Shikamaroo's trading academy where we teach ourselves how to trade. :smart::smart::smart:

Thank's for reading this installment of "Shick moves from min to hrs". Stay breezy!😎
couldn't help myself, I got an aud/ usd short signal. I took it and lost as the spread increased at the end of the day. I never took that into consideration before. (Learning experience 1)
lots of failed signals but i haven't been in a position to get to trade any. I am looking for employment, u know, cause i'm tired of skinnng my balls all day (i wanna be responsible). lol. Any how because of that i didn't trade and thus, no posts. But i am still maintaining the journal.
Went short Aud USD last night. Trade fail. The market shot through the stop and has started to range. I'm starting to wonder if this works or if i was just lucky the past few weeks. Only bad trades seen this week. I was unable to get in on any till yesterday. U would think doubts would disappear after 3 years but no, they're still here.
On to another week in my Journal. It is a struggle and i only got one trade last week. And that one failed.

I totally fell off the wagon. I dont know what i was thinking but the market crashed through my trend line by 40 pips and I still tried to punt long on the GBP/USD. Lost 16 pts. I feel bad. (perspective. 20 pts equivalent to 4 or 5 %)

why didn't i have a strat to enter on the tap after the break and been short?:whistling
I am now off the reservation and back on the one min chart where there are dud trades every where. I need help!!! maby trading is too serious for this happy go lucky trini. Think i'm gonna read through this thread, make a mango chow and hope my internet connection fails cause, I'm about to lose it all and i didn't even have no alcohol. laters peeps. also don't trade without stops or limits in the T2W comp cause u'll wake up with $4000, turn on ur porn forget about the competition and discover that the position is worth 0, then u'll take a nap and be margin called $-9000 lol.

yeah hey, typical crapy trading by yours truly. i just lost on a short and fell off the wagon finally. total 3 negative trades for the morning. i dont like the market today. Above is the most recent failure.😢😢😢

AUD/USD long ----------------- GBP/USD short 8:07(EST)--------- NZD/USD long 10:07(EST)
entry 1.05800 ----------------- entry 1.4053 ------------------------ entry 0.8436
exit 1.0560 (loss) ------------- exit 1.4069 (loss) ------------------ exit 0.8431 (loss)
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I took a short last night. It stalled so long that I went to sleep and took off the PC. The trade fell to my BE level but i wasn't there to close part. It rallied during the EURO session. So chalk up another loss. I had visual order editor set to go to BE when it hit 40pts as well, but silly me took off the laptop to give it a rest. This one stings more than the other losses because it should not have reduced my funds.

EUR/USD long -------------------------------------- AUD/USD short
entry 1.4124 ---------------------------------------- entry 1.0675
exit 1.4140 (loss)----------------------------------- exit 1.0693 (loss)

also could not get long on nzd/usd. Well at this rate I'll soon be taking early retirement from trading and trade to win. acct now = 94.15. If u R a noobie trader, I finally have some advice for u. Don't quit your day job.