Shared Broadband

  • Thread starter Thread starter chump
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JonnyT said:
The product I highlighted has an integrated modem and is thus all you need to connect to ADSL.

Don't think so Jonny - read the reviews.

It should work with chump's existing modem, if it's Ethernet connected, but not USB from reading the reviews. So if chump's existing modem cannot be connected by Ethernet, he'll need a modem as well - or an integrated modem router.
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Hi Folks, Newbie on this board, GREAT SITE.
Just one that nobody's mentioned: if the computers are in the same room, or you don't mind a piece of cable, what's wrong with a crossover cable NIC 2 NIC. Only costs a few quid. NO!
Just for info Kevin,
for the BT effort 'power' isn't a consideration - if your ISP supplies you with a 1Mbit link then that's the fastest it will transfer data, a 2Mb line will handle 2Mb tops.... as even slow Wifi is running at 3 or 4 times that (ostensibly 11 Mb but doubtless not running at top speed in practise) then you can happily download as much as your modem can handle secure in the knowledge that once it gets past the modem to the router that device can pass it on to the PCs faster than the data is arriving.
As far as the modems go, there's no advantage to the BT one in preference to any other.