Evening (at least it his here in the UK)!
This is actually my first post to t2w so I'm excited to become apart of the community :clap:
A bit about myself - I'm yet to trade live but I've been paper trading and reading for at least 14 months now. Therefore I feel its about time I jumped in and began. The only questions I have left to clean up are as follows:
My trading platform is ninjatrader and I aim to trade ES and/or YM - Is their a particular good broker for that? I hear a lot of interactive broker in relation to my question, but not so sure.
Another question- being in the UK, how does all the banking work if i'm trading US markets? I assume I go to my bank here in the UK (lets say LLoyds) and ask for a US (dollar based) account - I get that. From here I assume my initial money gets deposited into this account.
So lets say I make successful trades (at least I'd hope 😱 ), and my account now stands at $1.2k. Ive decided to withdraw the $200 but want it in pounds, how does this work without being eaten alive my transfer commissions?
Now last question I promise!
For those who are familiar with ninjatrader what the f*** does this all mean? A ninjatrader customer service mentioned it to me.
" Your account & funds will be held by our FCM partner Dorman Trading. Your funds will be held at BMO Harris Bank in a customer segregated account "
Thanks for the help!
This is actually my first post to t2w so I'm excited to become apart of the community :clap:
A bit about myself - I'm yet to trade live but I've been paper trading and reading for at least 14 months now. Therefore I feel its about time I jumped in and began. The only questions I have left to clean up are as follows:
My trading platform is ninjatrader and I aim to trade ES and/or YM - Is their a particular good broker for that? I hear a lot of interactive broker in relation to my question, but not so sure.
Another question- being in the UK, how does all the banking work if i'm trading US markets? I assume I go to my bank here in the UK (lets say LLoyds) and ask for a US (dollar based) account - I get that. From here I assume my initial money gets deposited into this account.
So lets say I make successful trades (at least I'd hope 😱 ), and my account now stands at $1.2k. Ive decided to withdraw the $200 but want it in pounds, how does this work without being eaten alive my transfer commissions?
Now last question I promise!
For those who are familiar with ninjatrader what the f*** does this all mean? A ninjatrader customer service mentioned it to me.
" Your account & funds will be held by our FCM partner Dorman Trading. Your funds will be held at BMO Harris Bank in a customer segregated account "
Thanks for the help!