Setting up new prop desk in Dublin


I have been a spot fx trader for the past 15 years and am now looking at setting up a prop desk in a premises in Dublin with a view to have 3 or 4 prop fx traders. Can anybody give me an insight into what would the best way to approach this. Regarding limits I could either get a backer and put capital into one of the banks in London which are offering 30 times gearing. Another system would be to get a system in. I am in the initial stages of my investigation so any advice woul be greatly appreciated.
I have been a spot fx trader for the past 15 years and am now looking at setting up a prop desk in a premises in Dublin with a view to have 3 or 4 prop fx traders. Can anybody give me an insight into what would the best way to approach this. Regarding limits I could either get a backer and put capital into one of the banks in London which are offering 30 times gearing. Another system would be to get a system in. I am in the initial stages of my investigation so any advice woul be greatly appreciated.

I work for Baxter Financial Services in Dublin, a multibank trading platform for Spot. Best bid/offer aggregated from 4 tier one banks with central counterparty clearing against a prime broker. You could trade on our platform with credit from one of the big bank prime brokers or through a publicly listed FCM we use in the US who provide 50:1 leverage on a minimum deposit of 100K. If you want more info or would like non-trading access to the platform/liquidity give me a shout on 01 670 0455.

Baxters -lol. The ECN who ban their succesful punters in order to ptotect their liquidity providers.
Baxters -lol. The ECN who ban their succesful punters in order to ptotect their liquidity providers.

JP Baxter's has many very sucessful customers from interbank , fund , as well as professional and retail. We do not, however encourage or promote latencey arbitrage.

We are one of the only venues with unconditional trading. That means no last look. So of course we will not allow an abuse of our exceptional liquidity.

"We do not, however encourage or promote latencey arbitrage." If this is what I think it is, why don't you uprade your IT? By virtue of its existence, you would seem to be at a disadvantage.

Hi mate would be interested in having a chat have you a web address or contact number? Great to hear the desk is up and running!
JP Baxter's has many very sucessful customers from interbank , fund , as well as professional and retail. We do not, however encourage or promote latencey arbitrage.

We are one of the only venues with unconditional trading. That means no last look. So of course we will not allow an abuse of our exceptional liquidity.

Apologies for the delay in responding but have only just been alerted to this rubbish by somone.

Latency arbitrage - that nice opaque term that people use to try and dis-credit people and imply that they are somehow being dishonest

If a trader in EURIBOR sees a comment from Trichet and sells or buys a stack of futures is he a latency arber - course not -he is a trader who trades fundamentals rather than technicals, at least in this instance.

Now lets hear from you what you are defining as a latency arber.....after all people can be sued for what they write on message boards you know.

I will repeat - Baxters have poor liquidity, software and prices and if you are succesful then they will close your account to protect their liquidty providers.

(please feel free to look at my profile again as well if you like)
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JP and Grant you are obviously not as intelligent or experienced as you like to think you are, or pretend to be. You are however every bit as pretentious.

Every exchange has trade break rules to protect participants. Don't pretend that all are the same or that there is one standard. The only thing they all share is that anyone found systematically exploiting them will have their membership stripped and their positions unceremoniously DK'd.

Baxter may ask you to stop trading but at least they will honor their trades. From what I see most of the other FX venues last look trades and reject them out of hand. And exchanges dump them back on you hours after the fact.

Are you guys traders or monkey's? How can you cry if the only way you make alpha is by systematically breaching an agrred protocol. A child would know better
Prententious, moi?

Now run along quickly, my good man, and damned your impudence.

I remain, sir, your obedient servant,

Rt Hon Grant Cavendish-Fitzroy-Somerset-Ffortesque-Ffortesque (aged 8 1/2).
Am a Very Good Pro FX Trader-Am Currently in Dublin

Hello There,

I am a very good Pro FX the spot market for the past 1o years. I am currently in Dublin and I would like to come in touch with you. You can contact me at: [email protected]

Thank you and best regards,

I have been a spot fx trader for the past 15 years and am now looking at setting up a prop desk in a premises in Dublin with a view to have 3 or 4 prop fx traders. Can anybody give me an insight into what would the best way to approach this. Regarding limits I could either get a backer and put capital into one of the banks in London which are offering 30 times gearing. Another system would be to get a system in. I am in the initial stages of my investigation so any advice woul be greatly appreciated.
Hi mate

Desk is up and running. Are you trading full time ? You are more than welcome to pop in and have a chat ?

Hi Beekeeper do you still have a office in Dublin?

I'm a prop trader would like to pop in if the offer is still there.


hello beekeeper.
how is your desk getting on?
im looking for a trading position in dublin myself 🙂