Dublin Traders Meetup

Hello there,
Now that I split my time between Dublin and London I thought I should make an effort to get to know more Dublin / Irish based traders.

After setting up and running the London Traders' Network for the last 5 years I've now done the same in Dublin.

First meet-up is on Wednesday 12th November and is in Toddys Bar at the Gresham Hotel from 6.30. All are welcome. Just a social beer-call to have a chat with other traders.

You can find out more and learn about the next event by joining the group on Meet-up: http://www.meetup.com/Dublin-Traders-Meetup/

Cheers! (Or should that now be Slainte!)

Ladies & Gentlemen,

The Dublin Traders Meetup have their May drinks tomorrow evening from 6.30.

I have bowed to pressure to have the drinks south-side (I appreciate that north-side maybe a little tough & urban for those fragile D4s amongst us!) 🙂

So drinks tomorrow evening will be at The Grafton Lounge because:

a) They'd reserve us a space

b) I can find it (remember I'm new to the City)

c) if its rubbish we can bomburst into a whole host of other nearby bars!

I'll be heading into town earlier so if anyone's a round and wants a drink please give me a shout.


